Chapter 6: Summertime saddness

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The next day, Lila seemed sad before she left with Parker. I didn't ask much, but I could tell. I decided just to ignore it, if it was a real problem she will tell me. I was glad I had today off, so I had more time to get ready for my date with Ben. I'm gonna go to the gym for a while, it's one of my favorite places to be.

I met my best friends Hank and Jasmine at my dads house. I though it was time I gave them an update on things. I heard a knock on the door, and my dads butler showed them the way to my old room.

I explained everything that had happened this week. I saved the best part for last. I sat down on my, dark blue bed comforter, as Hank and Jasmine sat in the old brown chairs my mom and I used to sit in with my mom when I was little and she would read my favorite books.

I looked at them when they asked what was new, I couldn't wait to tell them the news.

"So do you remember my friend Aero I told you about?" I saw the confused facial expressions in there faces when they said "Yeah?" at the same time.

"Well.. i asked her out." I finally said. They looked at each other then me. Then the whispered Something in each others ears, then both looked at me. Jasmine then said "So being rejected is good news?"

I frowned at her gave her a death glare. Great, my friends are so supportive. "She didn't reject me!" I snarled at them. Then Jasmine reached and grabbed out her wallet and took a ten out and handed it to Hank.

"Haha, told you so-for once." He smirked at her. Great. We've been friends sense second grade and they are still making bets on me. They are cute as a couple though. they'd been together sense 8th grade.

"That's great Ben, is what we meant." I stood up and started pacing back and forth on my cliché carpet that my mom thought was authentic, but we all knew it wasn't.

"So Where you taking her? Plaza? Or something else?" Hank asked me. But I want my first date with Aero to be special, especially if I want there to be a second date.

"No I'm going to take her on a picnic to the tallest mountain in the town." I said sitting down again. "See? Real gentleman right in front of us Hank!" She sputtered out at him.

"Not all men are the same Jas!" He yelled back. "And some men aren't men-" I interrupted her. "Guys if you wouldn't mind, I would like to get ready for my date, I have a lot to prepare. "Of coarse Ben." Hank said as he lead Jasmine out of the room.

I changed into my jeans and Aeropostale sweater when I got a on the way text from Ben. I threw my hair up in a messy bun with my favorite hair tie. I figured with Ben I can just be myself.

I was hungry, but I didn't really want to go to a restaurant with other people. I'm not really a people person. With my life story, if you know it, people usually understand. I got a text saying that he was less then a minute away.

I put my phone in my pocket and went outside. I was walking down the driving ways of the girls dorms when he pulled up. It was 8:30 pm when left the dorm. I got in his car and we went off. I stared out the window and wondered where we were going.

I turned to face Ben and asked "Where are we going?" He smiled a little and said "Where we can see the stars a little better." I got my wish. No people! I'm not gonna be crabby for our first date. As we started going higher in Elevation, I realised where we were.

Mount Kipper, the tallest Mountain in the state. We pulled onto the moist grass and went he brought me over to a blanket that had been laid on the grass with a wooden basket on top. We were at a place that had lots of little hills.

We sat down and he pulled little sandwiches out. After we finished eating, we lied back on the grass. I gazed at the stars, and saw the consolation Big Dipper Above us.

"I couldn't have pictured a better first date." I said. I turned my head to look at him when he said "I'm glad your having a good time." I smiled and looked back at the stars.

"Did you plan a second date yet?" I asked. He shot up and looked at me. "There's going to be a second date?" He asked with a bit of a smile. I took my eyes off the sky and sat up. "Yeah I think there is." I smiled back at him.

"What do you like to do in your free time he asked.

"Just this." I said as I leaned over and pushed him down one of the smaller hills. I saw him trolling down the hill, i started to laugh. But as I started laugh more, I tripped over the picnic basket and started rolling down the hill towards him.

When I got to the bottom of the hill, i collided into Ben. We sat there laughing for about five minutes. We turned our heads to face each other, and we looked into each others eyes, and we kissed.

I'm glad we did too. We finally stood up and went to pick up. We put the stuff in the trunk of his car and slammed it shut. I turned my head so quickly, that it startled Ben.

"You okay?." He asked as I looked into the woods. I mean this mountain was beautiful, I'm surprised it was only us tonight. i turned back to him and said

"Yeah, it's just I felt like someone was watching us." I said heading to the passengers seat. Ben started to drive me to the dorm and I stared out the window the whole time. I felt like someone was watching us the entire time. He dropped me off at my dorm and I went inside.

When I opened my door, I walked in to see Lila crying on the couch. I set my stuff down and sat next to her. "How was your date with Ben?" She sniffles.

"It was great." I said back. We sat for 5 minutes and I finally got up and went in the other room. I waited 3 seconds and came back out.

"Were you planning on telling me what's wrong?" I sat back down.

"I did something stupid." She cried. "Besides my brother?" I couldn't help but show as wry smile.

"I'm serious Aero." She frowned at me. "I told parker I loved him." I couldn't believe the words came out. I stayed up Half the night conferring her.

I went to go to bed when I herd something in the bushes. I went over to my window and didn't see anything besides a black leather glove on the bush.

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