Chapter 1: Good Morning

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It was dark. My chest was collapsing. I couldn't breath. Every breath I took felt like a dagger in my lungs. The creature came closer as it saw me suffer. It's whistle pitch screech scrambled my brain. I was in agony still wondering why this demon hasn't killed me yet. The devilish monstrosity crawled faster and faster, charging towards me. It picked my up with one of its many grotesque slimy arms and bared its twelve rows of blood stained teeth. I was to frightened to give out a shriek, not even in pain. It was crushing my lungs, then suddenly everything went black.
I opened my eyes as i hear my dad yell my name. I was shaking from my nightmare, I couldn't move. I was breathing heavily practically gasping for air. I sat up in my bed staring off towards the door as I saw my dad walk in with a cupcake and a candle.
"Happy Birthday Kai!" Dad said
"Thanks Dad." I sad as he handed me the chocolate fudge covered cupcake.
My Dad knew me so well, my love for chocolate was almost an addiction. I got up and gave him a hug. When I let go his face went a smile to a frown. "You had another nightmare didn't you." He said.
I nodded, I guess my eyes were bloodshot and stressed. "I don't know why I keep having these night terrors, this is the fifth one this week." I said truthfully.
"Try not to think about Kai, besides its your birthday not to mention that you start boarding school today too." He said.
I forgot that school started today, but it didn't start at 8:00 am, it started and 12:00 midnight. My dad had told me they started the first day so late for freshman initiation. It didn't make any logical sense but I went along with it.
"Now hurry up and get dressed, I made your favorite." He said.
"Bacon, chocolate chip pancakes and tea?" I asked.
"Maybe... Now get dressed." He said as he walked out of my room. he makes me the same breakfast every year for my birthday and looked forward to it most throughout the whole year. I closed my door and locked it and fell back to my bed. The white sheets were half off due to my restless sleeping. I got up and put on my favorite band t-shirt. It was designed to look like a skeletons rib age covered in stitches. The bands name was where the heart should be, "Abandoned Skeletons" was the best band in London even though it was underground. I slipped on a pair of genes, my red converse, and my favorite red beanie to cover my messy brown and dyed cherry red fringe. I grabbed my glasses and my phone and headed down the stairs. I must have missed the first step as I began to tumble down the hardwood stair case. as I reached the bottom I recollected myself as if nothing happened and walked into the kitchen. The aroma of bacon and pancakes filed the massive mint tile kitchen. My dad served my plate as I served his. We had a strong father-son bond and did whatever we could for each other. We put our plates on the table and sat down. I dug right in and I didn't care if I looked like a complete slob. My dad propped his legs up, took a sip of his morning coffee and began to read the newspaper-sports- article. My dad always reads the sports section he always gives me the entertainment and comic strips section. "You know Kai your birthday isn't complete without a surprise." Dad said unexpectedly. "And what surprise would that be." I asked. Dad smirked and pulled out a box from under the table. He tossed it across the table to me. I set the box down on the table and stood up to open it. I unwrapped the royal red wrapping paper and lifted the boxes lid. I couldn't help but smile what I had gotten. I took out the red cardigan and tossed it on. Its fabric warm and soft against my skin sent a chill down my spine. This cardigan has been in my family for ages, from my great, great, great, grandpa which he passed down to his his son, then the next, then to his, next my grandpa, them my dad, and now me. "I knew you would love it." he said with a smile on his face. "It's so warm! Thank you, THANK YOU!" I yelled. I was so happy I have been told stories about this ever since I was a kid. "Thats not the only thing in the box." Dad said. I moved around the tissue paper to find what looked like a giant key but it was covered in gears and buttons. "Is this a key?" I asked. "Not just any key, this is my latest invention." He explained. My dad was the worlds top inventor he always gave me prototypes of his inventions and sometimes he would give me inventions no body else would ever have. "What can it do?" I asked. "It can modify itself to fit into any key hole." He said excitedly. I couldn't help but chuckle, my dad always acted like a little kid when it came to his inventions, this is where I get my nerd side from. My dad took out two locks and a pair of handcuffs. I raised my eyebrow out of curiosity and fear. "Try to unlock this lock first." He handed me a lock with a keyhole as big as my thumb. The key was too small. "How can I unlock it with this key?" I asked. "Press the mint colored button." He said. I pressed the button and put the key in, the key began to grow and shift into the size the key needed to be. My eyes grew in amazement. "That's Incredible!" I exclaimed. "Here try this lock now." He handed me a much smaller lock. It was almost to the size of my pupil. The key was much too big now to fit into that key hole. I looked around for another button, I saw a tiny red button in the center of the key. I pressed it and just like magic it shrunk. I put it in and unlocked it. I couldn't help but continue to smile. "This might be your greatest invention yet!" I exclaimed. "Your not done with the test yet." He said. He grabbed the lock from my hand and placed it back in his pocket. He grabbed the hand cuffs and placed one on around my wrist and the other to the leg of the table. I fell out of pain as my wrist began to twist. I saw the lock but it was too small, you had to get a needle to unlock this thing I pressed the red button again and It got even smaller. The pain began to get unbearable as I screeched in pain. The key was still to big, I pressed it again, I shrunk as small as a toothpick. I jammed the key in until the handcuffs unlocked. My wrist was red but I couldn't help but laugh. This key was too amazing to be hurt by the pain. My Dad pulled me back up to my feet as he began to laugh as well. "I put the handcuff a little tight didn't I?" He asked. I nodded, but I didn't care for the pain. "I have another surprise for you." He said. This was already an interesting birthday what more could he have in store for me. He pulled out a map of his jacket pocket and handed it to me. It was a map of London, there was a red line going from our house to Big Ben. "You want me to go to Big Ben." I said. "Your insane!" "Then I guess you don't want your last present then." he said. "My last present is in Big Ben?" I asked. He nodded as he drank the last of his coffee. "How could it possibly be all the way-" "No time to explain, the bus will be here any minute, pack your bags and get ready after your adventure to Big Ben you must go to school." He said. I was utterly confused, but I shrugged it off and ran upstairs and stuffed all my shelves into two giant duffle bags. Today was going to be an amazing day for sure.

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