Chapter 14: Into the Book (part 2)

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I opened my eyes, the sky was midnight blue. There were only two stars in the sky. I sat up and saw that Alexis and Jackson were up. "Thank God you're awake!" Alexis said. My phone vibrated, I got a call from Kai. "Hello!" I answered. "Where are you, I'm here at the Mad tea party with Bloom, and the book gang, what part of wonderland are you?" He said. I looked up, this didn't look like wonderland, we were in some sort of cave. "Whitney!" Jackson yelled. Alexis and Jackson got up and grabbed me. "What wrong!" Kai asked. We halted, there was a ticking sound coming from the water behind us. "Don't move." Alexis said. Two red glowing eyes emerged from the water. "What is that!" I said. It crawled out of the water and charged towards us. "CROCODILE!!" We all yelled. "Where are you!" Kai yelled. "WE ARE FAR FROM WONDERLAND, WE'RE IN NEVER-LAND." I yelled. The call dropped. We ran out of the cave and towards the nearest place of shelter. "QUICK OVER HERE!" Lily was here too. She was on a ship, all three of us ran up the dock. "You know how to sail a boat!" I yelled. She got us away from the shore, away from the crocodile. "Once a pirate, always a pirate!" Lily said. "Where are we gonna go!" Jackson yelled! "Skull rock, there's a portal there, we can enter Oz from there." She explained. "But Kai, Bloom and the newbies are in Wonderland!" I yelled. "We need to pick up Richard and Zachary, in the mean time you guys need to help be my crew, these seas are dangerous. "How so?" Alexis said. "Never mind that for now, you guys need rest, I'll wake you up when I see something." She said. I hope everyone else is okay.

I woke up, it was dark, I couldn't move. "Where am I?" I asked. I tried to get up but I couldn't. It took me a second to realize that I was tied up. What the hell. "Looks like you woke up, this is gonna be fun." A familiar voice said. The room was green and filled with cages. "Where am I!" I yelled. "Welcome to the emerald city, and also, to your assassination Prince Richard." The voice said. "Show yourself!" I yelled. A giant blob of something fell from the ceiling. "Don't you remember us!" The blob said. More began to fall around me. The blob began to morph into a black melting skeleton. I finally realized who it was. "Team Toxic!" I yelled. They all were melting skeletons, they were made from the candy that resorts to the dark side of my kingdom. "WHERES ZACHARY!" I yelled. "Oh, he's fine, but he plays a big role in today's game. They brought a faint tv screen behind a curtain. They turned it on and brought a microphone. "Hello Zachary." The toxic leader said. "HELLO, RICH IS THAT YOU!" Zach yelled. "No, but you should see his face right now, it won't be there for long." The leader said. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS RICHARD!" Zach yelled. "Turn on your screen goggles and find out." Toxic said. His members held the microphone to me. "Speak now or forever hold your peace." Toxic said. The camera turned on and sent live video to Zach's glasses. "ZACH, IM IN THE EMERALD CITY, I NEED HELP, HURRY!" I yelled. "THATS ENOUGH YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Toxic yelled as he slapped me. "You have ten minutes to come here or else your precious little prince dies, we'll be waiting Zachary. Your time starts now." Toxic said. Toxic turned to me. "Don't worry, your little Alien will be able to communicate with you, I want you guys last moments to be tragic and heartbreaking, see you in ten minutes; I'm gonna get paid today." Toxic said as he and his crew left the room. Now I'm never gonna get to Zach how I feel. I'm gonna die alone and in pain.
"Richard are you okay?" I asked. "No but my time is running out, please save me!" Rich yelled. I needed to save my friend. My Best Friend. I wish I would have told him my feeling sooner but I'm too much of a coward and now is not the perfect time. "HELLO, I NEED DIRECTIONS IS ANYONE OUT THERE!" I yelled. "HELLO!" I yelled again. "Hello there stranger." I voice heard. "I can help you." A small man said. "Yes, thank you! Do you know how to get to the emerald city?" I asked. "Follow the yellow brick road." He said. "Thank you!" I yelled. "Follows the yellow brick road." Another voice said. "Follow the yellow brick road." Said another. Suddenly more people came out of nowhere and started singing. I started to run, I needs to save my Richard. "Don't worry Richard, I'm coming!"
"LAND HO!" I yelled. It felt so good to sail again, my Dad taught me to be a good captain at a young age. Ever since him and Mom disappeared I've been Captain ever since. "Where!" Whitney yelled. "Over there, Skull Rock!" I yelled. I docked the ship and gathered my friends. "Proceed with caution, that crocodile could still be out there." I said. We went down the ramp and into the mouth of the rock. "Alexis, can you please shed some light on the situation." I asked. She made her violin appear and started to play, her music makes her fire burn the brightest. Do why not have light and background music to go with up. "WAIT!" I yelled. We came to a sudden cliff. "We need to jump." I said. "WHAT!" Jackson yelled. "I'm not, no way." Alexis said. "The portal to Oz is down there we need to jump!" I yelled. Suddenly we heard ticking come from behind us. "Guys, we need to jump or we will die!" I yelled. "No!" Jack and Alexis yelled. They turned around and saw the crocodile enter. "Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea now!" Alexis yelled. The crocodile moved faster. I grabbed Whitney, Jack and Alexis and jumped. We all fell down the hole. I grabbed a vial from my pocket and threw it. It was a vial of mermaid tears, it opens portals. "TO OZ!" I yelled. We fell through the portal and into the next realm. We landed in a small village. I let everyone go. "How did you know the portal would work?" Jackson said. "Mermaid tears, it has properties of transportation but it is very unpredictable so we could have died." I said. They looked at me in shock. "C'mon no time to waste, lets go find Zachary and Richard!" I said. I took out my conch shell and whispered Zach and Rich's name into it. It began to fly down the yellow brick road. Conch shells are like a guide, only more accurate. "Follow me!" I yelled.


"FIVE MINUTES ZACH!" I yelled. "IM ALMOST THERE ILL BE THERE IN TWO!" He yelled. The door opened. "Time is almost up candy man." Toxic said. "Die in a hole Toxic." I said. "Sour little thing aren't you, killing you is just gonna be fun." He said. "Oh look your little friend of yours is passing the poppies, he'll pass out any moment." Toxic said. I started to to laugh. "What's so funny, your ruining the moment." Toxic said. "Zach is part Alien, he doesn't need oxygen." I said. Toxic's face went from joy to concern. "C'MON ZACH HURRY ONE MINUTE LEFT!" I yelled.

I opens the door into the emerald city, I ran through the village and into the main kingdom. My legs were giving out, but I needed to save Richard, MY RICHARD! I ran into the main castle, I ran through the main hall. "TEN SECOND ZACH!" Richard yelled. I ran faster. I could see the doors into the throne room. "5!" Closer! "4!" Closer "3!" SO CLOSE "2!" I opened the doors and ran towards Richard. "Oh my God are you okay!" I yelled. The doors slammed shut. "NO THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" A man said. "ZACH LOOK OUT!" Richard yelled. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE DAMNIT! NOW YOUR GONNA DIE FOR HIM!" The man yelled. He charged toward me. Little did he know that with my eyes, Aliens can see every move an opponent will make. He had a knife he aiming for my heart. I moved out of him way before he had the chance. "BEHIND YOU!" Rich yelled. An accomplice, he was going to throw me out the window, I retuned the favor.  I grabbed a shard of glass and used it to my advantage. They surrounded me, two tried to charge at me from both sides. I jumped up and let them hit each other. I landed on their heads as they turned to dust. One by one they tried to attack me.

~Richards Mind~
Well damn.

No one left, it was quiet, too quiet. "ZACH!" Rich yelled! The man had put a knife to Richards throat. "One more step and he will-" I threw the shard of glass I between his soulless eyes. I began to cry, this was the most terrifying thing in my life. I felt terrible. "This is not the last of me!" The man said as his body disappeared. I cut Richard free. I fell to my knees and began to cry. I was shaking, I was scared. I felt isolated and alone. But then Richard hugged me. "You saved my life! How can I ever repay you." Richard said as he cried into my chest. I smiled, he always brought me back down to earth no matter what he did. "Am I interrupting anything!" A voice said. Rich and I looked up, it was Whitney, Alexis, Jackson and Lily. "No not at all!" I said. I grabbed Rich and ran towards the group. "Where's everybody else?" Rich asked. Lily threw  a vial onto the floor. "TO WONDERLAND!" She yelled as the ground disappeared. We fell down, Richard held on to my arm, even in peril, he was still there for me and I was still there for him. "Let's go to THE MAD TEA PARTY!" Whitney yelled.

I wonder what Wonderland will be like...

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