Chapter 11: Memory

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I got up from bed and saw Jack get out of the bathroom dressed for the day. "Good morning snow man." I said. "Salutations Hero." He said. Thinking about the word "Savior" or "Hero" made me slightly uncomfortable, I couldn't see myself in that position. He left the room for his detention. I got out my legend of Zelda shirt from the dresser and some red shorts. Put on my glasses, and my converse with some black ankle socks. Plugged in my headphones into my phone and listened to my playlist of musical songs. The first song to come up "O The Thinks, You Can Think!" From "Seussical, the Musical". The song made me instantly happy, the whimsical song always fills me with joy.  I put the necklace and rose in my pocket. I combed my hair and walked out the door. The trees in the hall had changed from great oaks to cherry blossoms. The little pink petals fell off so beautifully. I saw Bloom leave her room and walk towards the path to the library. "Good morning Bloom!" I shouted. She turned around, her eyes bright as the moon and hair smooth and chocolate brown. The cherry blossoms falling around her. "Good morning Kai,...what's that in your pocket?" She said. "What?" She broke me out of her trance. "That blue thing in your pocket." She said. "Oh, it's a blue rose, I dreamt about it and it just appeared." I explained. "I can't help but get the feeling that i have seen this rose before." She said. "Does this look familiar to you then." I pulled out the wolf necklace from my pocket. "How...How did you, Where did you find my necklace!" She yelled. "In my dream...someone gave it to me in my dream, a woman or a spirit did." I said. "Did she say anything?" Bloom asked now looking worried. "Keep this safe and return it to "her"" I said. "Oh my God." Bloom said. "What is it?" I asked. "It''s nothing, I uhh...I have to go to the library, detention is about to start." She said. "I'll come with you, I don't like to be alone, especially if it's a place I don't entirely know or understand." I Said. The rest of the trip to the library was silent.

~Bloom's Mind~

How could he have possibly gotten my necklace. How could he have gotten the rose from the garden. Was the spirit Mom. I wish I knew but I'm also scared to find out what happened in the dream. It's best not to think about it right now, it is only 6:05. I miss Mom, I wish she was here...


"I ship it." A voice whispered in my ear. It was Whitney. "Good morning Whitney." I said. "Good morning Kai, Good morning Bloom." She said. "Good morning Whitney." Bloom said. "Why are you going to detention?" Whitney asked me. "I want to help, i want to get to know all of you a little better, and get some answers about the whole "savior" thing." I said. "Oh, that sounds reasonable." Whitney said. We walked through the garden and took a right into the library through the stone threshold. Alexis, Jack, Lily, Richard, and Zachary were already in there when we arrived. "Good Morning!" I yelled. "Good Morning!" The rest yelled back. The library was a mess, books scattered across the floor. Broken vases and food filled up the tables in the other room. Not really that much to clean up. "You and I will get the books in the main part of the library." Bloom said to me. "I'll get the broom." Whitney said. "Guess I'm with the dustpan!" Lily yelled. "Jack and I will get the downstairs!" Alexis yelled. "Fun size and I will get the upstairs." Zach said. We all departed into our sections of the library.  I bent down and started to put the books back where they belonged. Such a shame some of the best books tattered and tossed around. Bloom went around a picked up loose pages from the floor. " did you say you got my necklace again?" Bloom said softly. "From my dream, a white spirit told me to keep it safe." I said. "You want to know how I know it's mine?" She said turning towards me, her eyes now glowing yellow. "Your eyes?" I asked. "What?" She asked. "Your eyes....there ... glowing." I said. "Oh, yeah that happens when, when I'm nervous or mad or....never mind." She said. She seemed different, like she was unsure about something. "This necklace, my mom gave it to me the night she....died." She said. A single tear fell across her left cheek. I did what my human nature told me to do. I hugged her, I know what it's like to loose someone you love but it's worse when you barely even knew them. "I know your pain, I lost my Mom to." I said. She held my hand, I knew I was blushing but I needed to comfort my friend, she was a lost soul like I was and right now, we need each other. "I'm sorry, I usually don't break down like this..." She said. "It's okay..." I said. "Tell me about her, your Mom." Bloom said. I didn't know what to say. "Well I never got to meet her myself, but the way Dad describes her, it makes me feel like I have a guardian angel by my side. She had green eyes, long beautiful brown hair, and a smile that would make you feel like there is hope in the world." I said. "What was her name?" Bloom asked. "Amelia, Amelia Crescent." I said. "What a beautiful name." Bloom said. "Tell me about your Mom." I said. Bloom began to lean against the bookshelf, she let go of my hand and released from our hug, she turned and faced me. "My Mom....she was my light. I never knew my Dad I don't even know if he is dead or alive but my Mom was always there for me and our tribe." Bloom said. "Tribe?" I asked. "Yeah, she was the leader, the leader of the howlers. She was our bravest and strongest warrior. She was the white wolf. Our tribe lived in harmony until a gang formed and turned against her. They would always try to attack her but she would prevail. Well up until one night." She said. "What happened?" I asked. "I was being chased by the gang, I ran anywhere to find shelter. I ran into the thorn forest, the forest of darkness. I couldn't see anything except for the moon above me. I tripped over a tree root, I was corners by the dark wolves, they wanted to kill me. I don't fear death, I feared dying... the pain. Then from behind them a light as bright as what Heaven would be like shine from behind them. A white wolf and ran through and began to fight the gang. One by one the wolves fell except for one. Victor the valiant, the strongest and deadliest one in the gang. The white wolf attacked but was wounded, a huge gash across the side of the wolf, blood staining it heavenly fur. Victor ran back into the woods out of fear. The white wolf crawled toward the side of a tree. It began to morph into its human form. It was my Mother." She said

~Bloom's mind (flashback)~
"MOM!" I screamed. "B-bloom.." She said. I ran over to her, tears streaming down my face. "Mom, please stay with me." I said. She grabbed my hand. "My little flower, do not worry, I will always be with you even when the world feels terrible and wrong." I began to cry even more. A tear fell from her face, my heart was breaking. My mom took her necklace off and put it in my hands, her sign of life and power. "Take this and keep it safe, if you shall loose it, it will find a way back to you. I love you Bloom, my bravest little girl." She said. "I love you too Mom." I said trying to stay strong. She took her last breath and moved on. I stayed there and saw her spirit as white and as pure as an angel going up to the sky. The stars began to glow brighter and the moon full and radiant.

"Woah, Bloom I'm so sorry." I said. "It's okay, now that I finally told someone I feel like she's here with me." Bloom said. "My prayers are with her." I said. "Thank you for listening....we should probably get to work." She said. "Wait, I have one last question." I said. She turned towards me again. "What was her name?" I asked. "Her name was Alicia, Alicia Darling." She said. "Now we can get back to work." I said with a smile. She smiled back and let out a giggle, now to finish the library.

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