Chapter 17: Afternoon Spirits

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I heard a knock from my door. I had realized it's been two hours since my breakdown. I got up and opened the door, it was Jackson. I blushed when I saw him. I was shocked that he would want to see me after my meltdown. "Hey, I know this might not be the best time but, may I come in?" He asked. I let him in, I sat in the foot of my bed. I saw him blush, his skin was so pale that when he blushed he looked like he had red paint on him. I blushed when he blushed. "I brought you these, thought it might cheer you up." He handed me a bouquet of flowers. When I realized what flowers they were, my whole attitude changed. "ARE THESE FIRE SONICS!" I yelled. "Yeah, I know that those are your favorite flowers." He said. "How did you get them, they only bloom every 100 years?" I asked. "I have my ways, and I also brought you this." He said as he handed me a box. The ribbon around the box had music notes on them. I took off the ribbon and opened the box. "You didn't!" I said. It was a dress, it was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. The bodes was adorned with pink and orange beads, the skirt was layers red, yellow and orange tool with music notes all over them. The dress shimmered like a flickering light of a fire. "You didn't need to do this." I said with a smile. "Yes I did if I want to ask you to Homecoming." He said. I was so happy, this was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. "Yes, I will go to homecoming with you. Thank you so much for cheering me up in the best way possible." I said. I couldn't help but smile, no one has ever done something like this for me. "I guess I'll see you at 8:00." Jack said. "I guess you will." I answered. Jack waved bye for now and I did the same. I heard a small applaud come for the other side of the room. It was Lily, did she see all of that happen. "Congrats, your going to your first dance, with your crush." Lily said. I blushed and let out a giggle. "Looks like he finally 'warmed' up to the challenge." She said. "I guess you can say that you 'melt' his heart." She added. "No, stop with the puns!" I yelled as I started laughing. I though today was gonna be a bad day, right now life just feels good and resolved.

"Why do you need help with a seance in the first place?" Kai asked. "Well I was thinking that we need a Dj in order to have 'good' music during the dance." I explained. "Did someone say seance." A voice said from behind me. It was Fiona, "Yeah, do you know anybody who can help?" I asked. "I can, I'm a mystic a.k.a a medium, I can talk to the spirit world." Fiona said. "Well alright then, shall we get started." I said. "Absolutely!" Fiona exclaimed. "Well good luck and don't die." Kai said. "I already did." I said with a small giggle. "Okay first things first, where is the Ouija board." Fiona said. "It's over here in the library follow me." I said. We started to walk towards the garden, before Lily stopped me. "Whitney, do you think you can modify this dress into something more, my style." Lily said, she handed me a white dress with black zigzag. This was horrid, but I have enough fabric to fix this. "It's a challenge but I think I can do it." I said. I got the dress and led Fiona into the library. We sat at a table, I grabbed the board from its hiding spot. First book shelf to the right behind the romantic comedy shelf. I remember the first time I got this board, it was such a fun Christmas that year, anyways back to the topic at hand. I put the board on the table while Fiona was lighting the candles. We sat down and joined hands. "Know any good DJ's out there?" I asked Fiona. "Yes actually, my friend lets as if we can summon her." She said. "You know somebody from the spirit realm?" I asked. "Your not the only one that got a spirit board for Christmas, and before you ask yes I can read minds, I am a mystic after all." She said. "Anyways let's begin." I said. We placed our fingers on the pointer. Fiona began the seance. "Oh great and wonderful spirit realm, are we welcome to ask questions in your presence?" Fiona asked. The pointer began to move. "Y.E.S" it said. "Kandi, can you here us!" Fiona yelled. "Your friends name is candy?" I asked. "Yes, K.a.n.d.i" she said. The pointer began to move. "W.H.A.T.S.....U.P.....F.I.O.N.A" the board said. "Hey Kandi, do you think it's possible you can cross the spirit realm and DJ for us tonight at homecoming?" Fiona asked. The pointer  moved again. "S.U.R.E....T.H.I.N.G." Kandi's spirit said. The board began to shake "Let us join hands to have the spirit cross over." Fiona said. I admit I was scared I had never met another ghost in my life. This was both scary and exciting. The candles began to fly into the sky, books flying off their shelf. "Spirit please don't mess up the library. We just cleaned it up." I said. The books flew back into the shelf. "Thank you." I said. The pointer started to levitate above me and Fiona. A spark of light had come out the glass of the pointer. "C'mon you can do this Kandi." Fiona said. The pointer began to glow and crack. The crack went straight down the middle of the pointer. The board began to spin. The table started to rumble. The library door had opened. It was Kai. He stood there, "I'm not going to ask." He said as he closed the door. The pointer had then exploded causing both me and Fiona to fall out of our chairs and hit the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked Fiona. "Yeah, just a little shaken up." Fiona said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." A girl on the table said. "Kandi?" Fiona asked. "Fiona?" The girl said. They both squealed and hugged. "Whitney this is Kandi Graves, Kandi this is Whitney." Fiona said. I shook hands with Kandi, she wore a black Victorian knee high dress with rainbow streaks in her long black hair. She wore green and orange goggles with X's over the eyes. She wore a pink bow and a rainbow beaded necklace. She had black shoes and pink leggings. "Your so colorful! I love your fashion style." I said. "Thank you, your a little fashionista your self circus girl." Kandi said. "Wait, how did you know I was in the circus?" I asked. "Fiona and I are best friends, she found my spirit, any where she went I went as well. I know everyone." Kandi said. Weird.... But cool. "Thank you for helping us for tonight." Fiona said. "Anytime." Kandi said. I realized I had to finish up my friends dresses. "It's so nice to meet you, but I have to go finish something up." I said. I walked out and went to my dorm. It was 12:45, I only have seven hours to finish Bloom's, Lily's and my dress. I have my work cut out for me.

I'm so nervous for tonight. I hope everything goes alright for everybody. I hope I don't make myself look like an idiot in front of Bloom. Mom I wish you were here, I wish I learned how to dance with you,

I'm so scared for tonight. I don't know how to dance, I don't know what a dance is like. What do you even do at a dance. It's not like your supposed to dance all night, is it? Mom I wish I could still be with you. I love you so much.

Mom, Dad, I wish I got to meet you before you died. I wish I was never with that family I was left with. I know you would have taken care of me, instead of using me like my foster family. Even though I never got to meet you, I love you. I finally got a date to my first dance, I'm just scared I will hurt him, physically.

Mother, Father, where ever you may be at sea, I want to thank you for making me strong. I wish you could see me getting ready for this dance. I'm wearing the pearl earrings you made for me mom. I'm wearing the anchor necklace you found on the Galápagos Islands Dad. I hope we can find each other again.

I held the crystal in my hand. This precious blue stone. Gwyneth, my dear sister. If you can hear me, I will find a way to get you out of this stone. I will find you so we can be a family again. I miss you, your the only family I have left my dear sister.

My brother Tower Bell and My sister Silver Bell. I wish I could find you. I miss you, where ever you two are I love you. I wish you can be here with me, if only I knew where you were.

Dear Dad and Anais, I found someone who makes me happy. Don't grow up in me Anais, I'm still your big brother. This school is amazing, and I'm here with my friends whom I love. Will write more soon after homecoming. Love you. -Your son, Richard. 

If my family can hear my transmission from Earth I want to tell you that I am fine. I made it to the school safe and sound. Rich is with me too, him and my other friends are all amazing. I miss you guys, please communicate and leave a message if you get this one.

I look at my watch, 7:50 almost time.
"Ready for the dance?" I asked Jack. "Ready as I'll ever be." He said. The world around me feels, amazing. Like everything I was treading about had been lifted, but I was still nervous.

Let the dance begin.

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