Chapter 4: Precisely 334 steps

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"Damn, it's locked." I said to myself. I looked at my watch "11:28".  I had been trying to find a way into the tower for at least five minutes. Out of defeat I sat down on the pavement and took a breath. My Dad always makes one gift a puzzle to find for every birthday I've ever had. Last year I had to go through a corn maze at night to find my art supplies. "If I were Dad, what would I do to get in." I thought. A gust of fog and wind began to roll in, it began to grow cold. I tightened my scarf and put my hands in my cardigan pockets for warmth. I felt a small lump in my pocket, I took it out to see what it was. "THE KEY!" I shouted. I sprung up instantaneously and ran back to the door. The lock on the door was strange it had a key hole and a four letter word code. Good thing Dad had tricked out my glasses to help me find things, as a kid I would lose everything, so Dad had made my glasses into a puzzle finder and a radar to help me find clues, paths or answers. I pressed the right temple on my glasses for the puzzle finder. It gave me four letter options. "I...R...B...T." Strange, I turned off the puzzle finder and tried each combination I could. "I.R.B.T" was the first, it remained locked. "T.R.I.B" didn't work either. "B.R.I.T"- Bingo that part of the locked opened.  I set the key and and pressed the correct buttons to have it fit the key hole. The lock gave away with ease.  As soon as I opened the door I saw and envelope on the ground. It had the number one on it. I picked it up and opened read "Only 334 steps to the belfry. ~Dad." "Great how fun." I said sarcastically. I began my journey of 334 steps. I looked at my watch "11:31." I began to ponder what it would be like at a boarding school. A whole year away from Dad. Usually I would stay positive but it was hard because my Dad was the closest person to me in the family. I began to think of other things, what would it have been like if mom was still around.

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I reached my halfway point. My watch read "11: 47". "C'mon Kai, you can do this, you are almost there." I said to myself.  Along my journey I began to count the steps to see if there was exactly 334 steps to the belfry. I also began to think about how much my Dad has done for me. I was lucky to have him, he helped me with hardship and problems. He supported me through everything and has helped me continue being my creative, positive self. "330...331...332...333... And 334 steps to the belfry. Precisely 334 steps and it is only "11:53." I opened the door to reveal the giant bells that made the chimes behind the clock faces of Big Ben. "Wow." I said, I felt like a child experiencing the world for the first time. The gears and the mechanisms were beautiful. Suddenly I heard a slam, the door closed behind me. There was an envelope on the back of the door labeled "Congrats!" I opened the letter... It read " My Dear Kai, I have no time to explain but I must inform you that you will not be attending any ordinary boarding school, it is still like high school but this is for your own good that you be sent here. You will find out the rest of the news when you get there. Remember there is nothing to fear, your Mother and I will always be with you. I love you. Please continue to write so I know that you are safe.~Dad." I didn't know what to feel, I was confused, I was flustered with emotion. I tried to open the door, locked. I looked at my watch "12:00." The bells began to chime, from below it was nice but up here it was deafening. I dropped to my knees and covered my ears. My brain was rattling I was in pain. A light began to spark at the end of the room and great blue and white light. It started to suck object in like a black hole would. It began to pull me, I looked around frantically to find something to hold on to. The nearest thing was the door knob. I began to log off the floor, my right shoe got sucked in along with my beanie I held onto my bag all of my prized possessions were in there. Then I heard a crack, the door knob had broken off. I was sucked into the mysterious light. I began to pass out I was hyperventilating. Everything began.... To ...fade and.....turn...... Black...

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