Room Service

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Despise the fact that she was seated for five hours on a plane, with a trip full of turbulence, babies crying and an annoying snoring dude that was seated next to her, when she arrived, she was full of energy. The first thing she did when she arrived was checking her phone reception signal. Realizing that the signal was poor she frowned at her phone but was grateful that she managed to download a lot of information and maps of the island beforehand. 

She had researched for the name of the hotel her adoptive parents told her that they stayed twenty years ago, with the hope that at least something about their story was true. She found a hotel with the same name 'Wings of Freedom', reading the description it seemed to be the same one they told her about. She sighed, relieved that maybe, not everything was a lie. 

She walked around the city, it was a little behind in technology, but overall, the streets were clean, people seemed nice and happy. She was wearing jeans, and a white, long-sleeved shirt, it was the perfect outfit for the type of weather. It wasn't cold, but it wasn't hot either, perfect for walking outside and enjoy the day. She wanted to learn everything about the island, their history, their culture, their food...


Her stomach started to make a growling sound at the thought of it. Looking around her, she spotted a restaurant near her and the food smelled delicious. She walked in and sat at the bar looking at the menu after the bartender, with the nametag: Nicolo, told her all about their daily specials. She heard Nicolo address someone that entered the restaurant at that moment.

"You! You are going to make us go broke!", Nicolo shouted jokingly. 

"Come on! How can you reject your biggest star?", a feminine voice said. 

Mikasa looked at the girl who just entered the restaurant. She was slim, short, with brown hair tied up in a ponytail. 

"You know I won, so I want my free meal.", she demanded. 

"I can't believe someone so small can eat so much!", Nicolo said jokingly. 

The girl sat next to Mikasa at the bar wearing a wide grin on her face proudly. 

Curiously, she looked at Mikasa and said, "You must be new around here, I haven't seen you around." 

"Oh, I am just visiting, it's my first time here.", Mikasa answered. 

"Really!? It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Sasha. What brings you here?", she asked while munching on a piece of bread that Nicolo gave her as an aperitive. 

She didn't know how to ask or talk about what really brought her there. She wasn't good at making new friends or at conversations with strangers. 

"Research, about the history and culture of Paradis Island.", she responded. 

Impressed, Sasha looked at her and said, "Don't tell me that you are a reporter, and you plan to write an article about us!? That would be so exciting! Make sure to add, the island's foodie champion three years in a row, me Sasha Braus, make me famous!"

Mikasa laughed at her comment and said, "Alright, get ready for the paparazzi's to stalk you soon enough."

Sasha yelped excitedly and said, "I knew it! I was born to be a star." Mikasa just laughed and shook her head at the silly girl. 

After finishing her meal and listening to Sasha rambling about how she will use her newfound fame to bring more tourists to the island, Mikasa excused herself and left to a local pharmacy. Part of the research she did on the island included their drug policies and rules, she knew her case was eligible for what she wanted. She filled out an online application and submitted her lab results. She was approved for the medication she applied for and the prescription was already waiting for her at the pharmacy. Grisha would have never approved of this, but it was not his decision to make, it was her life, her choice. 

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