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Inside Erwin's office, Erwin, Daizen, Eren, Armin, and Gin discussed Levi's plan for Draconians. Shocked, Erwin shouted to Daizen,

"Are you insane?! What did you tell him?!"

"I went along with it, you know how stubborn he can be when he sets his mind in something.", Daizen said. 

"He does that and he is dead! He is committing suicide.", Erwin said. 

"I know, that is why we came up with a plan that Levi doesn't need to know about.", Daizen said. 

"If he wants to go crazy, then let's go all-out crazy and blow this shit up from the root.", Gin said with a smile. 

"What are you suggesting?", Erwin asked him. 

Eren and Armin looked at each other and smiled. 


Every morning, during the following days, Levi made sure Mikasa took her daily pill and from there he went straight to the Draconian cave to help in any way he could. He wanted to gain the Draconian's trust, and the best way he could was as he had always done so, through his actions. He noticed that during the mornings most of the men went out of the cave to work in the city, they all covered their arms and tried to be as unnoticed as possible. The woman and kids stayed in the cave most of the day. Kids were home-schooled and were only brought out to take the tests to pass their respective grades. Other than that, they stayed in the cave with nothing to play with or pass the time by. He gathered with some of the leaders of the clan and they approved his idea of building a playground for the kids. 

In the afternoon's He and Mikasa went to Oluo's house to meet with his old squad and plan the fake takeover of the throne. 

"So, Levi, when you sit in that throne don't forget about us.", Eld said. 

"I just want to see him wearing that tiara.", Mikasa said jokingly. 

"It's not a tiara! It's a crown, a manly crown alright!", Levi said. 

"That's not what I saw on the queen's head.", Mikasa said teasingly. 

"We should paint it pink with glitter.", Petra said joining Mikasa to mess with Levi. 

"Are you going to have a shiny stick too? You know, to poke people around in a fancy manner.", Mikasa said making all of them laugh. 

"It's a scepter, I guess it's to hit people that piss you off with it.", Levi said. 

"Levi will end up hitting everyone on the island with that shit.", Eld said. 

"It sounds fun. At least that part will be, the rest of it I am not looking forward to it.", Levi said teasingly. 

"It will be boring as fuck, your day would consist mostly of paperwork crap.", Gunther said. 

"Are you sure you want to be king?", Oluo asked him. 

"I don't want to.", Levi said in a serious tone. 

"But the people want you to.", Eld said. 

"They don't know what they are wishing for. I would be a terrible king. I will probably end up being a dictator. Draconian's aside, I think Historia has done a great job, wouldn't you agree?", Levi asked them. 

They all sighed and Eld said, "Draconian's aside... yes she has been an excellent queen."

"So would you prefer a dictator as king over an excellent queen just because of the Draconian laws?", Mikasa asked seriously. Then she looked at Gunther and said, "What if that dictator starts killing another race, just because he deems them inferior?", then she looked at Petra and said, "Or he could just strip all women from their rights."

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