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Jean gave a wicked smile to Levi and said,

"We have something to ask you."

"Go on", Mikasa said curiously. 

Levi was looking at her intently and Jean had a smirk on his face which confused her. What were they up to?

"The queen will make public her royal pardon to you so we are going to be in charge of your safety. Since Levi said in the meeting that he didn't care about whether you lived or die...", Levi gave Jean a death stare, he didn't expect him to say that, and Mikasa looked at Levi sadly. It hurt her to hear that and seeing the hurt in her fucked him up too. Jean continued, "I think you are safer with me because I would give my life to keep you safe because I really want you to survive."

Knowing that Jean knew the truth about her predicament, made his words hit emotionally harder on her. She looked at Jean with watery eyes and Levi was about to lose it. He knew that he fucked up, again, and that she would probably choose Jean, but he would be damned if he let that happen. Before she could answer Levi shouted, 

"Eren! Come here you brat!"

Jean and Mikasa gave him a confused look while Eren ran towards them. 

"You and I will sleep with Mikasa tonight", Levi said, then he looked at Jean and continued,

"She will feel safer with me and someone familiar than sleeping only with you as you wanted."

"You wanted to sleep alone with my sister!? Pervert! What were you expecting to get out of it!", Eren shouted to Jean.

Levi was looking at Jean with a fake disgusted face to play along Eren's lines he said,

"Thinking only on himself, when we have to be thinking about her, shameful"

Eren gave a death stare to Levi seeing through him and said, 

"She is fine with only me, she doesn't need someone that doesn't care on whether she lives or dies."

He turned everything against Levi, and he saw the hurt feeling in Mikasa again, he wanted to make it right. If only he could spend time with her he knew he could, he said, 

"Really? You? I can kill you so fast that you will be burning your ass in hell while looking at Lucifer himself dancing la macarena before you even realize that you are dead. I can protect her better."

Mikasa looked at him in shock at his comment, and trying to change the topic she said, 

"Is Lucifer trying to kill me? What does la macarena have anything to do with this?", Levi looked at her more confused than a homeless man on house arrest.

"What is happening here?", Sasha asked joining the group alongside Connie.

"Something about Lucifer wanting to kill me while dancing la macarena.", Mikasa said.

"Lucifer knows how to dance La macarena?", Connie asked.

"I don't know apparently Levi has seen him.", Mikasa said.

Levi was pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration when Connie said, "Or maybe he summoned him while dancing la macarena, like those bloody mary stories. I bet a mirror has to be involved somehow."

"He said something about a burning ass too so add it to the list.", Mikasa said mockingly.

"Sounds legit to me!", Connie replied.

"I would've never guessed that la macarena could be so lethal.", Sasha said lost in thought.

Armin, who overhead everything, arrived and said, "I will sleep with Mikasa and Eren. We have done it many times since we were kids so we are used to it."

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