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Levi was holding little Mulan's hand while staring straight ahead with a serious expression. He was trying to act tough but Mulan could see through his facade. She held Levi's hand with both of her little hands and with a serious tone she said, 

"Daddy, everything is going to be okay."

Mikasa snorted laughing at the scene and Levi gave her a death stare for making fun of him. It was little Mulan's first day at school, they were in front of it, but Levi had a hard time letting her go inside. It wasn't that Mikasa didn't care. She did. Watching her little girl grow up so fast made her want to cry, but making fun of Levi was easier. Besides, she remembers her first experiences in school, sure, that first separation from your parents is tough. But, kids are tougher than what we give them credit for. Levi on the other hand... well all of his childhood memories were fucked up so she could understand why he didn't want to let Mulan go. 

She walked towards him and pulled him for a hug making Mulan hug both of them. Then Mulan said, 

"Does this hug makes you feel better daddy?"

Mikasa couldn't hold back her laughter, and said, 

"Come on Levi, you should be the one comforting Mulan, not the other way around." 

He sighed and walked towards the entrance of the school where a teacher greeted them, 

"Who do we have here?"

Mulan waved her little hand at her and said, 

"Hi, my name is Mulan, and this is Mommy, and this is Daddy."

The teacher looked at them and said, 

"We will take good care of her here."

"Really? How much security do you have? I haven't seen a single police officer patrolling the area.", Levi said in a defensive stance. 

Mikasa elbowed him on the ribs to stop him from complaining more. Then she said to the teacher, 

"We gave our phone numbers to the director, and Mulan has our contact information on the first page of her notebook. Don't hesitate to call us if something happens."

The teacher gave a reassuring nod to Mikasa and grabbed Mulan's free hand. Mulan tried to move but Levi was not letting go of her other hand. Mulan looked at Levi and said, 

"Daddy, I can't move if you keep holding my hand."

Levi crouched to be at Mulan's eye level and said, 

"You know I will come back to pick you up, right? I will always come back for you."

"I know daddy.", Mulan said with a grin on her face. 

"Come here.", Levi said pulling her in for a hug. 

Then he stood up and watched her go into the building while Mikasa held his hand. He sighed and said, 

"Maybe we should stay for a while to make sure that everything is okay."

"Levi, she is our daughter, she is though, she will survive her first day at school. I wish I could say the same thing for you.", Mikasa said with a chuckle. 


They arrived at their house after a long conversation to convince Levi that everything would be alright. Mikasa grabbed their correspondence on their way to the house and started to look through the letters. She found a beautiful invitation letter for her and Levi. She opened it and gasped when she saw the contents. 

"What is it?", Levi asked her curiously. 

"Guess who is getting married?", Mikasa said with a smile. 

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