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She looked scared at the person who grabbed her and saw Jean looking at her then to his sides quickly. He gave her a serious look and said,

"Where is Sasha? You are not supposed to be alone out in the city. Not after today!"

"Oh, I saw the newspaper.", Mikasa said.

"Yes! And the people are not reacting well to it, we need to go to the mansion now."

Mikasa nodded and Jean gave her a worried look, he noticed she was pale and had a pained expression, he asked her, "Are you okay?"

"I'm about to have a very strong headache.", she responded closing her eyes from the pain.

"We are going to the mansion, I will give you something for the pain there."

He guided her to a car nearby and drove away. Arriving at the mansion they saw a huge group of people gathered in front of it.

"Damn it! I should've known.", Jean said angrily.

"Huh? What is going on?", Mikasa asked him.

"They are probably looking for Levi since he has always been the leader of the opposition to anything Draconian related... We will pass by them, just keep your head low, I will protect you, and they don't know your identity yet."

Mikasa nodded trying to hold back her tears from the painful headache she had going on. Jean guided her inside and she saw Levi going out of the mansion to address the people. He looked at her in panic, looking at the pain on her face, he thought that someone had done something to her. Suddenly, someone in the public shouted at him,

"Do you agree with the queen's actions?! It's your choice, Levi?! Us or a filthy Draconian!?"

He gave a death stare to the man that shouted that and walked towards Mikasa and helped her to get inside. He chose her, and he would choose her a million times over again if necessary. She wasn't one of them, she was different, he knew that.

"You need to address them or they will break-in. I'll deal with Mikasa, she just has a bad headache.", Jean told Levi.

"Shit", Levi said to himself running his hand through his hair, he walked outside.

He looked at the people and said, "I know what you all are thinking. I already have a plan but we can't discuss it here. We need time to prepare our rally against the queen. I will reach out to your leaders to start the job."

The people started yelling,

"Yeah! I knew we could count on you Levi!"

"We should overthrow the queen and make you the king!"

"We will discuss all possibilities privately! It's not wise to do it here where the enemy could hear us!", Levi shouted.

The public calmed down and started to leave the mansion perimeters. He got into the mansion and ran straight towards Mikasa's room. She was sleeping and Jean was next to her caressing her hair.

Jean looked at him and said, "Historia and the rest are waiting for you in Erwin's office."

Levi hated to leave her with him like that, knowing that she was in pain, he wanted to be the one with her, for her. But, there were more important matters regarding her safety that he was the only one that could deal with. He nodded to Jean and left towards Erwin's office.

Historia received him in panic and said, "They want to overthrow me and make you king."

"I'm on your side on this one. Plus I would be a terrible king.", Levi said.

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