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After Daizen and Amaya finished singing Happy Birthday to the small grave they stayed there for a couple of seconds staring at it lost in thought. Suddenly, a pained wolf howl made them look in the direction of the sound and saw the great white wolf alone. Amaya tightened her hold on Daizen's arm and said, 

"He seems in pain, where is his pack?"

"That howl sounds like he is mourning...", Daizen said worriedly. 

"I don't see his pack anywhere... Daizen... Did he become a lone wolf?", Amaya said in fear.

"Shit...", Daizen said. 

"Daizen, that is a bad omen... you should go to Erwin to see if everything is alright.", Amaya said worriedly. 

"Let me take you home first so you can hide as usual. I will warn our people to hide too until I verify that everything is okay.", Daizen said worriedly.


His vision was blurry from the tears he was shedding. His hearing was distorted from the shock. His hands were shaking in panic. Levi was having a hard time getting it together. He was brought back to the truck he was sitting at by Jesús shaking him and screaming at him, 

"Gringo! We are going with the helicopter plan, the safest one. Are you listening to me?!"

Arnaldo said, "We are speeding to the airport, we are almost there, I already called, they have a helicopter ready."

Levi was still lost in thought. He could no longer give a fuck about her bloodline. He didn't care about his painful memories, he didn't care about another wave of violence on the island. Hell, he would burn the fucking island himself if it meant that he would get back his woman. He would do anything in his power even if it were for only one more day with her. She was his anchor, she was his peace, she was his wifey...

My Mika

Levi made up his mind, he smashed all of his walls, he threw his prejudice to the fire, he was going to get her or die trying. With his Corps Captain's voice, he said, "No"

"I am not letting you kill yourself! We use a helicopter, I won't give you other options", Arnaldo said in frustration. 

Angrily, Levi shouted, "She is killing herself! I just read a note she left in my pocket, we are going with the airplane plan whether you like it or not! Don't make me shoot you because I fucking will without a second thought. I've killed for less so trust me I will if it means it will get me closer to save the woman I love!"

Quickly and scared, Arnaldo replied, "Yup, airplane plan it is."

"She is going to kill herself?!", Carlos shouted. 

Levi gave him the letter for him to read out loud and translate to the other guys. After he was done they all fell silent for a moment letting her words sink in. They were trying to hold back their tears and Arnaldo sped up as fast as he could. The silence was broken with Jesús saying to Levi, 

"You fucking crazy gringo you better survive this because if you don't, if we get to her, I don't want to tell her 'ups we killed your husband'"

"Let's just concentrate on the plan. Give me your skydiving equipment, I will go on the plane with Carlos. You and Arnaldo go in the helicopter to pick me and Mikasa up if we make it out of there alive.", Levi said. 

Jesús reached out to the back of the truck and started to give him his equipment and said, "Start to put it on now, we are almost there and I want you and Carlos to run to the plane as soon as we arrive."

Putting on the different straps from the harness Levi said, "Thank God I bought underwear."

"Why? Do you think you are going to crap yourself? Weren't you the experienced soldier here.", Jesús said mockingly. 

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