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Muffled sounds and darkness... the last thing she remembered was Levi looking at her tattoo. A pounding headache gave her a clue of what happened next.

Son of a bitch hit me!? At least I am not dead, am I? Did he do something else to me?

Mikasa started to get a feel of her body and other than her head, she wasn't sore on the rest of her body. He probably didn't do anything else to her but it would not stop her from yelling at him if she gets to see him again. At least she wasn't naked, as she felt a soft fabric covering her body.

She groaned from the headache, and slowly moved her feet to sit down on the couch she was laying on. She heard a gasp and she opened her eyes, there was a short man sitting in front of her. Watching her, he shouted,

"Guys! The thing woke up!"


Mikasa gave him a death stare and the man yelped, moved his chair back, and shouted,

"I think it wants to kill me!"

She looked at herself, and she had a short robe on. She tried to cover herself as much as she could with it. She also had a small circular bandaid on her arm.

Did these creeps take a blood sample?

Another man entered the office-like room where she was. He looked at her in confusion and said,

"She doesn't look like one of them."


At least someone is not calling her by 'it'. The man approached her, extended his hand to her, and said,

"I'm Jean, the overdramatic one here is Connie", he pointed to the chair where the first man she saw was sitting.

Mikasa shook his hand and asked him,

"What do you mean when you said that I don't look like them?"

Jean was about to answer her when a familiar voice outside of the room shouted,

"Don't talk to it! It will get in your head!"

Angrily Mikasa shouted, "Like how you wanted to get inside of me before bringing me here?!"

Jean and Connie looked at her in shock. Levi entered the room quickly giving her a death stare and said,

"Like I could ever want to be inside a filthy Draconian."

Staring at him defiantly she said, "Your boner said otherwise. Did you do something to me while I was unconscious? Or did you embraced your blue balls?"

Levi walked towards her angrily when Jean stopped him. He was looking at Levi with a serious expression and said,

"Did you?"

Levi looked at him in disbelief, showing a hint of hurt in his eyes. While pushing Jean away he said,

"Of course not! Who the fuck do you think I am?!"

"What's all the fuzz about?", a familiar female voice shouted. A moment later Sasha entered the room and looked at her.

"You are the reporter! Mikasa!", she said pointing at Mikasa.

Levi gave her a confused look and she said,

"I meet her at Nicolo's restaurant. She is nice, why is she-", she said but stopped talking once realization kicked in and looked at her in confusion.

Two other men entered the room, a blond bulky one, and a dark-haired slim one. The blond one said,

"Where is the thing?"

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