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"Aww my Hubby, you are so romantic. I love you too.", Mikasa said with a sarcastic tone.

"So this is your way of escaping?", Levi asked angrily. 

Mikasa rolled her eyes, and in a sarcastic tone, she said, "Of course, I packed your suitcase, left you a letter for you to find me, bought you a plane ticket, and paid for both of our stay in Venezuela because I wanted to escape from you."

"Tsc, you know that I only have to show the people around us your Draconian symbol and they will get us out of this plane in no time.", Levi said warningly. 

Mikasa smiled, raised her sleeve, and showing him her tattoo she said, "Oh, you mean this beautiful thing? It's the same wolf you have on your wrist. Rat me out and I'll take you down with me, my darling."

Levi looked at her tattoo in shock, she had everything planned out, there was no way he could get her out of that plane, that was mostly boarded by tourists that won't recognize the half draconian tattoo, and as she said, having the same tattoo as hers would incriminate him too. 

As if the devil was on her side on this, at that precise moment, the flight attendant walked past their seat line and saw them looking at their tattoos and said,

"Oh look at that! You two even have matching tattoos! That right there are relationship goals!"

"I know right! It was his idea! He is so romantic.", Mikasa said happily.

Defeated, he sighed and asked her, "So the roleplay is that I have to act as your husband?"

"Yes, a husband who is crazy in love with his wife, and you better be convincing. I bet I am a better actress than you."

"Is that a challenge", Levi asked her while raising a brow.

"Take it however you want to, it won't change the fact that I am better. You would have to convince me otherwise.", Mikasa said as a matter of factly.

"Why Venezuela? That it's so random."

"Well, when my parents lied to me about my tattoo they said that it was from Venezuela so I spent a lot of time learning about the country and I loved it."

"You know they speak Spanish right? We will be confused as fuck.", Levi said worriedly.

"You will be, not me. Part of my research included learning their language."

"Do you speak Spanish!?"

"Fluently.", Mikasa said with a smile.

If Levi had any doubt that he was screwed now he was sure of it. He was going to a country where he knew nothing about and he would not even understand them speaking. Mikasa could easily plan his death right in front of him and he wouldn't know. 

"What will happen if I am not convincing enough?", Levi asked worriedly. 

"Well, then you failed on your roleplay task and our deal is off.", Mikasa said plainly. 

"So I can kill you then?", Levi said trying to scare her and get a hold of a little bit of control on the situation. 

"Or I could kill you. We are not landing at the main airport. We will land in a smaller one in a rural area where almost no one speaks English. I have people waiting for us there. Strong. Heavily armed. Friends. This time, I own your ass, so you have no other option than to trust me and follow the rules... and of course, don't piss me off, it could be lethal. How does it feel to not be in control Levi?", Mikasa asked him giving him an evil smile. 

"So this is your plan then? Killing me?", Levi asked in disbelief. 

"I said I could, I never said I would. I won't kill you, want to know why?", Mikasa said.

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