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Levi managed to get a grip of a rock with his hand at the expense of smashing his knee against the solid vertical wall of the mountain.

"You are going to give me a heart attack!", Jesús shouted over his earpiece.

"I guess you still have to stand my ass Shoo Shoo!", Levi said.

"You are incorregible.", Jesús protested.

He climbed the rest of the remaining distance to the peak and stood upon the rocky ground covered by snow.

"Be careful, it can get slippery and we don't want you falling down again!", Jesús warned him.

"Got it.", Levi said as he tried to move forward.

He was desperate, he couldn't see a thing as he took his helmet off. Everything around him was pure white clouds blocking his visual range.

"I can't see shit!", he shouted.

"Keep moving forward she is probably with Simon Bolivar.", Jesús said through the comms.

"What?! All of this time there has been a dude here with her that could've stopped her!?", Levi shouted.

"No you idiot, is a bust of 'El Libertador' a political leader who guided Venezuela and other countries to their independence.", Jesús said.

Ignoring Jesús, Levi started shouting,

"Mikasa! Mikasa where are you?!"

He kept walking forward, each step made his heart beat faster. Suddenly, he saw the shadow of her figure. He walked towards it and when he was around 6 feet away from her, he could completely see her on her feet, looking at him.

The wind was blowing her hair covering half her face and she had tears falling from her eyes. Levi saw that she had her arms by her sides and in one hand she had an opened bottle of water that was half empty.

He gulped and asked her,

"Am I too late?"

She closed her eyes letting her tears fall.

"I will make you puke that shit?", Levi shouted getting ready to run and get her.

Mikasa raised her hand signaling him to stop and showed him the pill between her front teeth.

"Spit that shit out! You still have a lot of fight left in you!", Levi shouted angrily.

Angrily, Mikasa took the pill out of her mouth but holding it with her hand close to her mouth she shouted, "How the fuck would you know?!"

Levi looked at her in disbelief and said, "You just climbed a fucking mountain that's how I know!"

Mikasa raised a brow not knowing what to argue back with. He was so right that it was almost comical to her to be thrown this ridiculously obvious fact at her face. A fact that didn't even cross her mind. 

Frustrated, Levi sighed and asked her, 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Angrily Mikasa shouted, "Because you were perfectly clear that you wanted to be the one who killed me. You would have accelerated your torture plans if you knew that I was short on time!"

Levi shouted, "I don't want to kill you!"

"I don't trust you! As long as we have this fucking deal I never will! If you really don't want to kill me as you say then why did you kept the deal going?! Why extending it?! You extended it because you weren't sure if you wanted to, but it's still a possibility!"

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