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Mikasa slowly moved her arms trying to sit on the ground. The moment she moved, Levi's heart started beating again with the hope of her survival. He helped her to sit down and looked at her. She didn't look back at him, she was staring blankly at the tree in front of her.

"Mikasa?", Levi said worriedly.

No answer. She stayed in the same position without reacting to his presence or voice. Levi flicked his fingers in front of her eyes and got nothing. No reaction.

"Shit. Mikasa, are you here with me?"


He picked her up, one hand behind her legs and the other behind her back, and started running towards the cabin. Mikasa didn't react, just let herself go. She didn't place her arms around his neck, she didn't move her face to look at him. Nothing.

Levi ran as fast as he could like his life depended on it and slammed open the Cabin's door startling everyone. When they saw him carrying Mikasa, Annie shouted,

"What did you do to her?!"

"Nothing! I saw her having a seizure in the forest! She is unresponsive! Call Hanji, I am taking her to the infirmary in the headquarters now!"

They all ran with him to the car and Jean started driving while Levi sat on the back with Mikasa on his lap pulling her close to him. Arriving at the mansion, before Levi could get her out of the car Mikasa looked at him with a confused face,

"Mikasa, are you here with me?"

"Who are... Levi?"

"Yes, Levi, the idiot that didn't believe you. You just had a seizure."

"Levi, the idiot, got it.", she said weakly and hissed in pain.

"What is it?", Levi asked concerned. 

"My tongue hurts, I think a bit it during the seizure.", she said slowly slurring the words because of the pain it caused her to move her tongue.

He carried her out of the car and ran towards the infirmary where Hanji was already waiting for him with the rest of her family, and Erwin and Daizen.

"What did you do to her?!", Eren shouted when he saw him carrying her.

"She had a seizure.", Levi answered.

Eren panicked when he heard that and started following Levi to the bed he was putting her. Not a second passed by after he placed Mikasa on the bed, that Levi felt a hard hit in his face and he hit the floor. He looked in the direction where the unexpected punch came and saw Daizen looking back at him with rage.

"Shit", Levi said.

"Shit indeed, there is no one here to hold me back from fucking you up, especially that mouth of yours.", Daizen said angrily.

"Enough! If you two are going to fight do it outside of the infirmary, not here!", Hanji shouted.

Daizen grabbed Levi by the shirt and dragged him away. He stopped to look back at Eren and said,

"If you want to have fun with him I will leave him chained in the dungeon ready for you."

"Fuck!", Levi shouted.

Eren just gave him a dismissive look and turned all his attention back to Mikasa. Annie was sitting next to him, Sasha was sitting at the other side, and Connie and Jean at the foot of her bed.


Grisha and Carla pulled Hanji apart to talk with her about Mikasa's situation. After explaining the details Hanji shouted, 

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