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Warning: Graphic violence. Rape is insinuated. 


Mikasa slowly woke up to find herself tied on both her hands and feet. She had a cloth covering her mouth. She started panicking trying to figure out what was going on. She was in a dark small place that felt like it was moving.

What is this? A trunk of a car?!

She realized in panic where she was and tried to find a way to open the trunk but the inside lock was reinforced. Whoever had taken her, must have done this before. Then, she remembered... Levi. It was his voice she heard, and suddenly she remembered the conversation she had with Erwin. She had hoped that he cared when she hugged him pleading to him to help her, but evidently, Erwin was right.

Her body was pushed forcefully further into the trunk by an abrupt stop. She heard steps getting close to the trunk of the car. She waited nervously, not knowing what to expect. After a while, the trunk was opened, and she stared back at the man looking down at her. It was Levi, but now, he didn't show any type of emotion. His glare was colder than ice that sent shivers down her spine. For the first time ever, she was truly scared of him.

He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the trunk, dropping her to the muddy ground. He grabbed her by the hair again pulling her around the car while she hissed in pain. Noticing she couldn't walk even if forced since her legs were tied, he grabbed her over his shoulder and started walking. He didn't say a word or show any sort of empathy towards her.

When she looked to where they were heading she saw an abandoned cabin that looked like the ones used in horror movies. The lair of a serial killer, a psychopath. Breaking the silence, Levi said,

"Before you get your hopes up, Erwin doesn't know about this place. Nobody will find you, you are at my mercy."

Mikasa started crying at the thought of nobody finding her, or her body. Her family would never have closure, it would be torture for them to have hope that maybe she was still alive somewhere. She tried to struggle to no avail, the ropes that tied her hands and legs were too tight.

They entered what she was already convinced was a haunted cabin. It was small, two rooms, a small kitchen, and tv area. Levi kept walking to a door that Mikasa didn't realize was there. He opened it and started walking down the stairs to the basement. If being inside a haunted cabin of death was bad, being in its basement screamed 'you're dead'.

It was dark until Levi flipped the light switch revealing true horror. There were chains hanging from the walls, scratching like marks on the wall and on the floor. There were tables with straps that had old blood stains on them next to some old machines that looked like their sole function was to cause pain. She was frightened, shivering when Levi dropped her on the dirty floor. She watched him cautiously as he walked to a table nearby. He unpacked a bunch of knives and torture tools on top of the table making Mikasa wince just at the thought of them being used on her.

He grabbed a knife and walked towards her. She tried to move her body away from him but her back hit the wall. Levi crouched next to her guiding the knife close to her face. She closed her eyes waiting for the pain, but instead, she felt the release of the tight ropes around her, and the cloth covering her mouth fell. She opened her eyes giving a questioning look at Levi but he just pulled her up by her hair. He grabbed her wrists and chained her to the wall.

She was so scared that didn't dare to talk. She watched him as he walked around the basement organizing the tools on the table like second nature. He had definitely done this so many times now that the routine looked natural on him and it was terrifying. She started to wonder how many people were in her place before her, did they all shivered in fear like the way she was? Where there some innocents mixed in this cruel battle of hate?

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