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Levi was focusing on his breathing to control himself from killing the woman tied to his bed. He still was drunk, and that helped him to not kill her at that moment. With a smug face, Mikasa asked him, 

"Missed me?"

Mikasa knew she was playing with fire. But there was something about him that made her want to get under his skin. She knew he could hurt her, but for some reason, she wasn't afraid of him, she was angry at him, that, she was sure of. He was looking at her like he wanted to kill her in the most painful way he could imagine. 

"Who cuffed you to my bed?", was all he said.

"Sasha and Annie, because I was almost raped by your men in the dungeon.", Mikasa replied angrily.

Levi was taken aback by her answer, but again, he remembered himself to never trust a single word that came out of her mouth. He walked out of his room straight to Sasha's to ask for an explanation. He walked to her door and knocked. She opened the door and he quickly asked her, 

"Did you and Annie cuffed the thing to my bed?!"

"Yes, because we found Reiner and Berthold having their way with her. Reiner had already opened her robe and touched her everywhere, if we hadn't got to her in time... Levi, if they are capable of doing that to her they are capable of doing it to any of the girls. If you want us to feel safe in your squad do something about it because Annie and I will not stand by that sort of shit, and don't fucking use the Draconian excuse because-"

Levi cut her short saying, "I understand, I will take care of it." 

He heard the guys laughing downstairs, he calmly walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He walked straight to Reiner, and before he could react, Levi stabbed him in his lower abdominal area. Reiner dropped to the floor in pain, while the rest of the guys rushed to help him. Knowing what probably caused Levi to stab Reiner, Berthold tried to run but Levi threw the same bloody knife he used on Reiner at him stabbing him on his lower back. Watching Levi attacking another person of the squad Jean shouted at him,

"What the fuck Levi!"

"Are you going to stab us too!?", Connie shouted in confusion.

"They tried to rape Mikasa", Levi responded.


He realized that it was the first time he used her name. He shrugged it off and angry at the two agonizing men on the floor he said, 

"Touch her again and that knife will be cutting your dick."

"Should we call an ambulance?", Connie asked.

"Do whatever you want, I honestly don't care whether they live or die.", Levi answered and walked back to his room. 

Connie looked at Jean who was furious at what he just heard. He looked back at Connie and said, 

"If it were for me, I would leave them to die."


Mikasa watched Levi entering back the room. He was shirtless, and there was blood on his hands. He calmly walked into the bathroom leaving the door open. Mikasa saw him cleaning his hands and panicked, 

"Don't tell me you hurt Sasha or Annie, they were just trying to help!"

He finished cleaning his hand and said, 

"It wasn't their blood, it was Reiner's and Berthold's. I stabbed them, they will probably survive."

Mikasa didn't know how to react to this, she was confused. She looked again at Levi who was leaning against the door frame of the bathroom and looking at her with a serious expression. She didn't know what to say, and she was trying with all her might to not look at his shirtless body. He was all lean muscle, a ripped demon that pissed her off but that also lit something in her that gave her the will to fight. He walked to her and uncuffed her, then he said, 

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