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The atmosphere in the room was tense. Levi was sitting in a chair, alone in a room, with Grisha and Daizen giving him a death stare. For a moment it looked like a staring contest battle between them until Daizen broke the silence saying, 

"I don't want you anywhere near her. I won't let you."

Levi looked at him seriously and said, 

"I skydived to land on the tallest mountain in Venezuela, I fell and free climbed to the top of it for her. Do you think you intimidate me? Do your fucking worst, you will have to kill me to keep me away from her because otherwise, I won't. As long as she chooses me, I am not letting her go."

Angry, Grisha shouted, 

"You hurt her! You hit her, and tortured her and God knows what else! She is too good for you. You will only destroy her. If you care for her as you say you will walk away."

Levi looked at Grisha intently and said, 

"I am many things, but a coward is not one of them. I am not running away. I am not leaving her. Do you think that I don't know that she can do better? I am aware of it, but that won't make me walk away. I will fight for her. I will work on myself to one day be worthy of her, I will go to therapy, I will do whatever it takes because she is fucking worth it. She wants to be with me, and I am not letting her down."

Frustrated, Daizen said, 

"I will keep a close eye on you. If you as much hurt a hair on her head I will have your head on a stake!"

"And I'll let you.", Levi replied with conviction. 

"What happened to your hate to Draconians huh? Did you forget about that little detail?", Daizen said in a warning tone. 

"Even when I thought that she was Niles's daughter. The daughter of the man who slaughtered my family. The reason why I did everything I did. Even knowing all of that... I fell in love with her. She proved to me that she was different. She proved to me that I was wrong. Now, I will help her drop the Draconian laws. Even when I thought that she was his daughter, I told her my secret, I told her my last name and the reason for my tattoos.", Levi said seriously. 

Daizen was in shock to hear this, but he needed to be sure, he said, 

"What if there are still Draconians out there and another wave of violence starts?"

"Then we will deal with it when it comes. As equals, not as a fucking genocide. Whoever breaks the law, the fair ones that apply to everyone, will receive the same treatment Draconian or not.", Levi said truthfully. 

Daizen walked in front of him and grabbed him by his shoulders in his usual death grips and with a serious tone, he said, "Give me your word that you won't hurt any one of them for just for being a Draconian from now on. That you are truly on their side, and you will only act in a just manner without prejudices."

"I give you my word.", Levi said truthfully. 

Daizen gave him a nod and said, "Then, it's time to show you something."


Her phone started ringing and when she answered... a crying Arnaldo, a happy Carlos, and a screaming Jesús shouted, 

"You are alive!"

Mikasa chuckled and said, 

"Supongo que ya Grisha les dijo." [Translation: I suppose Grisha already told you."]

"Sí! Pero como quiera te vamos a visitor pronto! Queremos ver esa agua brillante y la mansión del gringo!"[Translation: Yes! We will still visit you soon! We want to see the shiny water and the Gringo's mansion.], Carlos said. 

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