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Levi stared at her for a moment, deciding that she was probably playing a game he said, 

"You are bluffing."

He saw a hint of hurt in her eyes that made him feel... conflicted? She turned around, giving him her back, and said, 

"Think whatever you want... I guess I will prove to be right when I die."

Levi turned in bed feeling mixed emotions with what she told him.

Why didn't she said that before?

She probably wants to kill herself with a bunch of pills.

Levi knew her history of depression and he had seen her self-inflicted scars so he knew she was capable of it. He convinced himself that it was all a bluff and tried to sleep... Tried...


The morning came with Erwin knocking on Mikasa's room at the headquarters mansion. He noticed that the door was unlocked and after knocking a few times without response he decided to let himself in.

"I'm coming in!"

He opened the door and found the room empty. He walked towards the bathroom and she wasn't there either. He was about to check the kitchen when he saw a note on her bed that made him stop in his tracks. He picked it up and read,

I will clean up the one you let go of. I will send her to see her father Niles by parts. This is on you.

"Son of a bitch!", Erwin shouted when his phone rang.

He picked it up and said, "Grisha, we have a problem."


Mikasa woke up slowly, feeling pained from all the bruises she had. She looked around and Levi was nowhere to be found. She walked towards the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror for the first time after being wounded. Her right cheek was purple from Levi's punch, she had bags under her eyes and she looked skinnier and pale. She took a deep breath and cleaned herself up.

She hesitated for a moment on whether to get out of the room or not when she heard Sasha shouting,

"Mikasa! I made you breakfast! You better wake up and get here now or it will get cold!"

Mikasa got out of the room and met everyone at the table. They were all having breakfast and making jokes.

"Mikasa, Jean brought some video games to play, want to join us?", Connie asked and Mikasa just nodded. 


Levi was walking towards his family's graves carrying flowers as usual. Suddenly, two small wolves started following him until he was in front of the graves. A gray wolf and a brown one sat next to him wagging their tails. He was used to them by now, most of the time he came to visit they were near the spot his family was buried in. Levi looked at the smaller one and petted its head while the other one was waiting for attention. He liked to think that these two wolves somehow were his siblings since they were always near their graves. 

He slowly walked to each grave to put a flower on and stopped in front of his mother's grave remembering the promise he did to her. While she was dying she made him promise that he would survive and that he would erase anything good the clan had and kill them all to avenge his sister. It was her dying wish, one he promised to fulfill and he did, until...

He buried his head in his hands and cried as he said, 

"I don't know if I can do it... I'm failing you..."

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