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"It's totes uncalled for", Stella rants and I listen, shoving my books into my locker. We were instructed to pick our dorm keys later that night after supper as there is a problem with the dorms. "I mean Noelle hasn't pitched up for any of her classes, she never misses the-" Stella is cut off by me slamming my locker door extra hard. That's the last straw. How could SCP (Student Council President) skip classes for a boy

A Boy. 

A motherfudging BOY. 

Noelle never misses her classes and now because she's gotten a date with the hottest guy on campus, she'll ditch everything she's built up? And wasn't he playing tonsil hockey with Caitlyn, did they call it quits? 

"Where is Noelle?"

"By the school fountain", Stella says. "Tell her she missed her Model UN application, two chemistry tests, and a Math pop quiz that counts for ten percent of her grade", she yells after me. 

I flash her a thumbs up before sprinting out of the school. Right now more than ever I wish I was in Snailords 'Kill Me Before Lunch' webtoon world. Only then would I be eligible to kill one person each year and number one on my list is Xavier. 

Not because he dissed me or taunted me. He's playing with Noelle and Caitlyn's hearts and none of them deserve it. More so, he's disrespecting everybody. Sure that doesn't entail me the right to use Lingchi on him. 

Not that I'd mind or anything. 

Lingchi is translated as the slow process, lingering death, or slow slicing. It is also known as death by a thousand cuts and is a form of torture and execution used in China. One is subjected to not only physical torture but also mental as they watch their entire family tortured in the same way. One is cut and chunks of their flesh are removed, not the kind that would instantly kill. It's like revenge, it's served cold so it has to take time to cool down, therefore, the process is slow... and torturous. 

Note to self: 

a) Lingchi will not work because:

1) Xavier is extremely huge and can overpower me and tying him up is way too much work. 

2) I would have to subject his entire family to it and that kind of ruins the whole purpose of being in the 'KILL ME BEFORE LUNCH' world.

3) Also I'm not such a patient person. 

4)Scaphism would be better. 

5) Cancel that, killing Xavier would be Boring with a capital B and I'm not such a mental freak. 

b) Do NOT swoon over Xavier because yes, he does look gorgeous in a black button-down and black denim jeans. 

Xavier looks like he walked out of a freaking hell meeting. I mean that in a good way. He looks like a devil; a hot devil. His hair is disheveled but it doesn't make him look like a homeless psycho. More like a prince who triumphantly walked out the battlefield. He's clad in a tight black shirt that stretches against his muscles and shows off every flex leaving barely anything to the imagination. 

And then there's my beautiful amazing sister, all googly eyes and drooling (Can't blame her). Noelle's kept it simple in a white half-button placket belted dress. That's the same one I saw in the boutique downtown when Caitlyn dragged me to go shopping with her (More like to carry her bags because everyone was so busy). 

"Noels~", I say in a sing-song voice, plastering a cheery smile on my face. When she doesn't give me the time of day, continuing to fawn over Xavier freaking dumbass Blaze. I let my demeanor flip itself. 

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