I am the dragon and I will eat you whole.

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"Ser", he croaks, vigorously shaking my limp body. "Please don't leave me." It's the aftermath of our kiss, his blue eyes are wide with surprise, and locks of his blonde hair tickle my skin. It feels too vivid to be a dream. I can feel his tears sliding down my cheeks, the way his soft hair tickles the skin of my cheek, and his minty scent engulfing me in warmth and hope.

It's as if he's the one. 

The one I'm supposed to love. 

"Ser, I love you", he whispers into my ear and places a teary kiss on my temple. "When you see Vic in heaven, tell him I'm sorry. I'm a selfish bastard, it's always been you two, never me." His silent tears turn into full-blown sobs as his body heaves and cries of pain emanate from his lips. 

The worst part is, I can feel it. All of it. I can physically feel my heart breaking with his. Every tear that rolls down his cheek is like a stab to the heart. Every single sob is wrecking me apart. "Tell Vic, I'm sorry", he sobs, clutching my body harder and I want to scream. Scream at his idiocy. At his pessimistic attitude. I don't die, I'm still alive. I'm breathing.

"I promised him..." he chokes out between sobs. "I promised him that I'd protect you. And I intend to keep that promise but..." his words are disrupted by another sob. And that's when I feel something wet trickle down my temple. 

A tear. 

I'm crying too. How ironic, when I can barely remember him.

"...he's gone. I'm going to find out who did this", in an instant his sorrowful and teary expression is replaced with one filled with malice, hatred, and unbridled determination. 

Bipolar, what?

"I love you Ser, don't forget that", and on cue, he dissipates. Like dude, who the fudge are you? Harry Potter with his damned invisibility cloak? A sorcerer? A high-level mage with invisibility powers?

He's replaced by a jovial blond. Wet locks are matted against his forehead and despite having a blurry face, his blue eyes are sparkling, like jewels gleaming under the moonlight. He's spraying the boy next to him with the garden hose in his hand and the boy playfully dodges. "Vic!" He shrieks, dodging and then I realize who it is. 

The dead dude. The one who I not-so-nicely sent to heaven. Apologies, placing orchids on your grave and going to church on your behalf are on my To-Do List. I solemnly swear to bring good in this world on your behalf. 

My aspirations are interrupted by Vic yelling and showering me in water. "Ser, you're turning 13 tomorrow. Gotta enjoy your life before you become a teen!" He advises, flashing me a Cheshire cat grin, and that's my only warning before he turns up the nozzle and drenches me wet to the bone. I gaze at the lilac dress I'm wearing. Do I even own this? It's not mine? So who does it belong to? 

Vic strolls closer and continues to drench me in icy water, till the lilac turns a dark purple and I'm shivering. I groan, peeling the fabric away from my body. I flash him the bird and he smirks. "Love you too", Vic mocks but when cold fingers grasp mine I shriek, jumping. 

Hello, kangaroos, you got a new guru. 

"Ser", the other boy mutters and I stumble on my feet. His proximity surprises me especially when he drapes his arm around my waist to steady me. Another bizarre thing about this dream is the way I can feel his breath fan the side of my face, the way his torso is pressed against my back. I loll my head back so my eyes fixate on his and he flashes me a breathtaking smile. 

Did you paint those teeth white? 'Cause damn, boy, I'm wondering how you're not in a Colgate commercial. 


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