Jealous? Puh-lease, I'd rather shove my head into a sink full of dirty blood

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"Rule number 1; you cannot bring girls over", I state, defiantly. My green orbs narrow down to his and Xavier's features soften until he breaks into a smirk. Damn, that smirk; it's a sign of worldly destruction, the sign of my life being over. "Are you jealous?" He teases, widening his eyes in mock surprise. "All you have to do is ask, Seraph", I shudder at the way my nickname rolls off his tongue, so damn smoothly. And the smug bastard smirks!


He smirks because he knows he affects me.

The government needs to implement a when-a-cute-hot-gorgeous-Greek God-smirks-at-you hotline. I can foretell that this hotline will have more calls than a hospital in the middle of a grueling pandemic. 

I shake my head. "Jealous? Puh-lease, I'd rather shove my head into a sink full of dirty blood." 

Xavier schools his expression into one of disgust but he can't disguise the amusement flickering through his eyes. "Rule number two; if you bring girls over, use your room. Not the couch." Maybe rule number 1 shouldn't be what it is, but I'm too lazy to change it. Like adding another rule requires serious energy. Energy to phrase it, energy to write it, and energy to just think. And I have a serious disorder called Lazy. 

I look back at the black and white chart I printed earlier today and then back at Xavier. Yup, too much work. And I have this serious disorder called lazy. "Rule Number 3", I say way too quickly, afraid Xavier will intervene. "Wash your own dishes if you stay up late. I don't want a little army of cockroaches inhabiting my dorm." 

He arches a brow at me, okay fine, that rule is more or less for me. "Rule number 4; if any of your pals come over, they clean up before they leave." I'm not going to wait till the next morning for the cleanup staff. Nor am I going to wake them up at midnight to come and clean our dorm because Xavier's pals were being total kids and couldn't clean up the place after they used it. Plus my dorm isn't a dumping ground for trash. 

"Rule Number 5 and probably the most important; we respect each other's privacy. This means no crossing boundaries, no kissing me in your car, and definitely, no walking in on me showering", I slam my palms on the coffee table to emphasize my point. 

Xavier tilts his head to the side, mockingly, " interesting." He stands up and my breath hitches. Get. A. Grip. The words ring in my ears but do not affect me whatsoever. My body isn't obeying me, right now, Xavier's actions control my body. He circles me as a predator would to its prey, and I can physically feel his eyes rake all over my body. 

His eyes take in everything; from the way, my sweatshirt barely covers my legs showing off maximum skin to the way my panties are visible. My cue to get some shorts. 

Out of the blue, his knuckles ghost over the side of my neck. "These rules", he whispers, his lips against my ear as his breath fans my earlobe, "also apply to you." 

I part my lips, but all that escapes is a strangled cuss as Xavier presses a kiss on my neck. Screw boys and their hormones, wasn't he just screwing my sister? "Woah, Woah", I throw my hands up and slowly step away from him. If I don't put some distance between us, there's going to be a continuation of what happened on the couch, just a different girl now. "P.R.I.V.A.C.Y", I spell out and take a few more steps back for good measure. I need to put a ton of distance between us real quick or my hormones are going to carpool with his on a road trip to Texas. "Rule Number 6; no physical contact. No touching each other, no hugs, and definitely no kisses." 

"It's not even on the chart", he whines, pointing to the monochromatic chart poorly stuck to the wall. I glare at the chart and then back at Xavier. 

"So?" I inquire. I cross my arms over my chest, pinning him with an inquisitive look. He does that sexy cheek-tongue thing guys do all the time. I can already feel my body turning into a puddle of goo, someone help me! 


He matches my glare with equally intense eyes but I notice the amusement flickering through them. Last staw bish, no one laughs at my displeasure. "Fine!" I shrug, grabbing a marker from the coffee table, I scrawl the rule on the chart. 

Tiny, illegible, and untidy- yet present on the chart. "Now, implement it." 

Xavier scoffs, "you'll crack first Ser, I promise." And with that, he pecks my cheek and marches into his room. Bish please, I made these rules. There's no way I'll break them. 


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