HPV is not on my bucket list.

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"So what about my food, Blaze?" I snap irritated. "You aren't edible."


I'm not a cannibal. 

HPV is not on my bucket list. 

He leans into the back seat and grabs two paper bags. "Here", he shoves them into my hands. I eye him skeptically but he doesn't look bothered and continues to stare out the window. I rip the bag open and pull out the contents; two sandwiches, a carton of juice, and a bottle of water. 

The food equivalent of a school lunch - normal high school cafeteria lunch. 

At A-List Academy we have buffets for every meal- french, Italian, Chinese, Indian, you name it, we've got it. Our diets are carefully drawn up by health specialists. I wouldn't be surprised if we'd be eating seaweed - if it were deemed healthy. 

Like you expect me to survive on spinach, tomatoes, raw vegetables, and healthy food for years. 


My tacos, burgers, hot dogs, PIZZA. 

R.I.P stomach. 

I bite into the sandwich and the next thing I know a collection of flavors burst into my mouth making my tastebuds combust (in a good way). The way each ingredient artfully complements the other makes me moan in delight. 

"Damn, Blaze!" I exclaim. "This is so delicious!"

I bite another chunk out of the chicken sandwich, swallowing it. "Delicious doesn't do it justice!" I exaggerate- but it's the truth. I glance at him through the corner of his eye and he's staring out the window, his hand covering his mouth and the tips of his ear are red. 

Is he.......blushing?

The Xavier Blaze and blushing? 

Never thought they'll ever be in a sentence together. Well folks, now you have it. 

"This is scrumptious", I tease, taking another bite and watching his ears turn even redder. To my glee, he doesn't notice me watching him like a freaking soap opera. "Are you Gordan Ramsay or something?"

He doesn't reply still flustered and I inwardly snicker. "Gosh Xavier! I think I had a foodgasm."

This time his head whips around to face mine. My orbs widen like a deer caught in headlights- I did get caught teasing him and enjoying watching him wither in misery. "Hi", I wave awkwardly then proceed to mentally facepalm myself for saying something so ridiculous but Xavier does the unexpected; he bursts out laughing.

He should come with a label and a manual. 

Xavier Blaze is the human equivalent of life; unpredictable yet beautiful.

"Screw this!" He exclaims and I listen, mesmerized by his laughter. The way it fills the car, it's so melodious like an orchestra or a sweet piano piece. His laughter is angelic, the sort that you'd listen to on loop and never get bored off. 

"What's your favorite color", I ask out of the blue. 

He shrugs. "Azure, Mikado, Viridian - I have no clue."

I manage to chuckle before Xavier has me choking on air with his question. "Did you ever have your first kiss?"

I gulp, thickly. My mind wanders off to the day of the accident, my dream - the way I kissed the blue-eyed boy. "No", I shake my head, heavy with guilt. "What are you thinking about right now?"

He smirks and I know one thing; I'm done for sure. "You really wanna know?" He prods and I nod my head.  Duh- why would I ask you? 

He wraps his arms around my waist and I squeal as he pulls me into his lap. I throw my arms around his neck to steady myself and he tosses my legs on either side of his body so I'm straddling him. 

I peer into his blue eyes, the contacts do a great job of hiding his natural color. I blush as he pulls me closer - if that's even remotely possible. "Xavier", I hiss, burying my head in his neck at the sudden movement only to realize how perfectly it fits into the crook of his neck. 

His lips find my ear and he gently tugs on the earlobe causing my body to freeze. "Do you still want to know what I'm thinking?" He whispers into my ear. My body shudders at the tone of his voice; it's a couple of octaves deeper. 

"Y-yeah", I manage to choke out. I can hear the sound of my heart pounding against my ribcage and I know Xavier can too. "Do I make you nervous?" He whispers and I shake my head due to my inability to form a coherent sentence. 

He chuckles bringing his lips to my ear once more. His hot breath fans the side of my earlobe before he whispers, "then why is your heart beating so fast?" 

I bite my lip as his stare deepens. It feels as if all the butterflies in the world migrated to my stomach and it feels like all the blood in my body is rushing up to my face and my body feels like it's been lit on fire. Xavier Blaze is making me feel this way; flustered, shy, needy

"What are you thinking about right now?" I ask, smoothing out my voice. This time he chuckles, resting his forehead against mine, and I notice how the moonlight perfectly illuminates his face, making him seem more beautiful than usual. A small scar runs across his temple, half concealed by a thick lock of brown hair. I absentmindedly reach forward and trace the jagged line. "How'd you get this?" I whisper, afraid my voice would swallow the comfortable silence lingering thick in the air. 

"You can only ask one question at a time", He tuts playfully. 

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, nibbling on the soft flesh. "Fine", I choke out. "What are you thinking about right now?"

He laughs once more and I resist the urge to pull my phone out, record it and make it my alarm. Wanna know why? Physocologist suggests not to set your favorite song as your alarm, as you'd come to hate it. Right now no melody can compare to Xavier's laughter. I don't think I could love someone's laugh this much- it's dangerous. His hand cups my cheek and his thumb caresses my lip before he harshly tugs on the soft flesh making me wince.  "Don't bite your lips, I want to do that for you."

His flirtatious tone sets the warning bells off in my head. "Is that what you're thinking about?" I ask. He probably expected my heart to dissipate and my body to become a puddle of goo in his arms. 

"No", he mumbles, sliding his hand to the nape of my neck and pulling me closer to his face. "That's not what I'm thinking", his lips lightly graze over mine as he speaks and my breath hitches in my throat. 

'He's playing you!' My mind warns. 'Xavier Blaze doesn't do commitment. The only type of commitment he knows is that pathetic imitation of Harry Potter's lightning bolt scar on his temple.'

"I want to kiss you", He murmurs and I snap out of my reverie. "You mean, you want a death wish", I snort and he chortles. "I want our lips to touch- you know kiss", he explains as if I'm a two-year-old kid who's foreign to the whole concept of 'Birds and Bees'. 

"Just kissing buddy? Or are you indirectly asking for more?" 

"Do you want to do more than kiss me?"


"So you're saying you'll kiss me? And we're not doing anything else?"

"Yes!" I exclaim and his smirk widens. 

"Okay, so you said you'll kiss me", and before I can even register his words he's leaning in for a kiss....

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