It's too graphic, where's the PG 3O label?

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"My butt hurts", I whine as Xavier's phone lights up the small space we find ourselves caged in. 

"Want me to kiss it better?"

I mentally gag at his offer. "Nope, it's better already."

"You know girls would die for the offer."

"I prefer to live, thank you very much", I sass and his lips lift into a devious grin. 

"Chill, bubble tea. You have to grow old with me", Xavier continues to shine his flashlight against the uneven crevices of the rocky walls around us, and I make a mental note of how sharp they are. 

"What a tacky marriage proposal", I tease, my gaze fixated on the glowing beam of his flashlight and he smirks before pressing his palms flat against something. "Get behind me, bubble tea."

I hesitantly oblige as I watch him push something and with a heavy creak the wall gives away and the light burns my eyes. "Damn Medusa gotta give you the credit for making my first day of high school creepily memorable", I tease, stepping ahead of him and into the clearing. 

"Medusa?" He questions at my borderline absurd nickname. He's a blond, bipolar Medusa, for sure. "Yeah", I grin. "Your eyes", I point out the obvious as I kick a stray pebble trying my best to not stare at them. They were magnificent pools of ice, half-melted ice, shiny and crystal-y. They were too gorgeous and unique for their own good.

 "Anywho, where are we?"I change the topic whilst staring at the colossal marble water fountain in front of us. Must've cost a fortune. But that isn't the most expensive thing, the entire greenhouse is. It's filled with a variety of tropical and foreign plants, I recognize a few rare plants I'd seen in the  Advanced Botany textbooks Austin had stolen from Adrien, his older brother. 

"School's greenhouse. Most of the botany lessons are conducted here and the gardening club frequently visits here too."

I bob my head in awe. "Hell, this is awesome."

"Yeah, but it gets worse when your dad donated this place", he mutters and I roll my eyes. 

"Cool way to show off your money, Medusa", I tease, leaning down to caress a plant I'm botanically-uncertified to name. I slightly pull my fingers away, scared that I'll break its beautiful yellow petals. It is the only blooming flower surrounded by a bush of green buds. "Freesia."

I whip my head to meet his gaze and I stare at the bizarre pair of sunglasses he's adorned himself in. "What? I had to do something", he pouts and I resist every urge to pinch his cheeks. Who knew that such a rude asshole is actually a manchild. Screw toxic bad boy stereotypes. 

"What does a Freesia symb-", a shrill scream ripples through the otherwise silent greenhouse making me flinch. "XAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIEEEEEERRRRRRRRR", they yell and I can feel my eardrums walk on the edge of combustion. I whip my head in the direction of the voice only to have my jaw glued to the floor in awe as I stare at my sister shoving her tongue down Xavier's throat. 

I wince at the sight-too graphic, where's the PG 3O label? I tear my gaze away from them, turning away I begin to discreetly begin my escape to the exit only to be pulled back by Caitlyn. 

"OMG SIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She squeals, I should've heeded Caleb's warning and plugged my fingers into my ears whenever Caitlyn was around. Her high-pitched voice makes her sound like a whiny, tone-deaf singer with a horrible case of strep throat. R.I.P my eardrums. 

"Hey~" I mumble back, feigning enthusiasm which she decided to ignore ever so blatantly-note the sarcasm. "Really? You're happy to see me?" I merely nod my head- remember when I sarcastically said that she decided to blatantly ignore my existence and carry on playing tonsil hockey with Xavier? "Totes sis, just thought you....uh...deserved....urr....some....privacy", I lamely finish, tossing Xavier a pleading look to help me out. The twat simply smirks and I resist the urge to hiss out a few cusses. 

"Cool, see you at the administration office", I wave goodbye and begin to walk away only to be stopped once more. "Brooklyn!" She exclaims. "What were you and Xavvy doing here together?"

I ignore her question, my mind is still having difficulty processing his nickname. "Xavvy?" I stutter and she gives me an -awww-isn't-it-so-cute- kind of nod. 

"She was following me like a forlorn puppy, extremely clingy. Just the usual", he fills in, before turning on the ball of his heel and walking away leaving me to gape like a fish. "Must be because her boy-toy ditched her....what was his name again?" He says, throwing his head back in our direction. "Austin Evans?" 

"Austin is not my boy-toy, he's my best friend", I correct, fuming but he doesn't give me the time of day. 

"Right", he drawls. "I meant babysitter."

I clench and unclench my fist before staring at him dead in the eyes and he doesn't even flinch. Screw modest, non-toxic bad boys - hold up! It's impossible to screw someone who doesn't even exist. 

"Sis, I get that you're new and all, but there is a dib system and I called dibs on Xavvy ages ago. He's a birthright. I'm a White and he's a Blaze." So am I, sis, so am I. It's not my fault your reading skills are so elementary that you're incapable of reading my birth certificate. 

"Fill her in Cassidy, she's as dumb as she is dull", Xavier instructs and Caitlyn giggles. "It's Caitlyn", she whispers and my eyebrows shoot to my hairline. Boy, am I dumb for following Xavier Blaze around like a forlorn puppy desperate for attention - since that's what it looked like. 

"Last time I checked Blaze, I was human, not a mirror", I retort hatefully to which he rolls his eyes, almost as if conversing with me was a chore. 

"Oooh, burn", he exclaims, sarcastically and I sharply inhale. 

"Bye sis", Caitlyn hums, slipping her arm into Xaviers and pushing her breasts against his arm. I thought mom would've taught her better, I was wrong. "See ya around", she yells, and I nod my head, something telling me this is just the beginning of a whole turmoil of bizarre events. 

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