Will killing you solve this problem?

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Have you ever seen those commercials where people screw up the easiest of tasks in the most idiotic fashion? Yeah, that's exactly what happened here and let me be perfectly clear, it is not my fault. 

Xavier dumbly holds the beaker whilst an icky substance foams out, covering his hands and I swallow a groan. I told him to simply pour half the concoction into the beaker, that's all! How can someone screw something that simple up? I pinch my temples as he continues to lamely stand in front of me like a deer caught in headlights, goggles around his eyes and a snapback on his head minus the lab coat, thank goodness he has gloves, or I would've drilled 'Precautions to take when working with chemicals' into his brain until it's all he can think about.  

"We have a problem", he adds lamely and I pin him with an I-can-see-thank-you-Captain-Obvious look. "Will killing you solve this problem?" Xavier is quick to shake his head, at least he understands the fundamentals; never oppose a girl when she's furious. 

"Forget it", I mutter, grabbing a rag to wipe the substance from the table. A few minutes later, Xavier and I cleaned the entire table and packed away all the apparatus, "wanna get ice cream?" He suggests. On cue, my stomach lets out an embarrassing growl and Xavier chuckles, "looks like your stomach is a little too eager at the prospect of an icy treat." 

I pout, throwing the last of a used tissue into the trashcan and grabbing my bag, "I'm only forgiving you because I'm starving." There's no way I'll let an offer for free food slide through my fingers like water. 

"Any particular taste in music?" He asks, once we're in his car and bolting down the street, away from the Academy. I shake my head and he switches the radio off, whistling. A comfortable silence ensues and I recline in my seat, focusing on the scenery outside. Trees whip past and I roll down my window basking in the summer breeze. I barely notice Xavier's fingers brushing against the side of my thigh. I stiffen at the unexpected contact and his touch leaves a trail of sparkles in its wake. Tiny bolts of electricity, electrocute me, it's far from painful. 

And just as unexpected as his touch is, he pulls away. I swallow a groan at the loss of contact. His nonchalant expression and twinkling eyes are a dead giveaway that he's simply playing with me. 

Fortunately, it takes two to tango. I purposely embellish my actions, slowly peeling off my sweater and re-adjusting the straps on my tank. I toss the sweater in the seat behind me in a way that my cleavage in his face and my neck is arched tantalizingly. He clears his throat and I smirk. So this is what it's like being an attention whore and a slut. Cue exaggerated hair flipping and eye-rolling. 

Once I realize that I have his full attention, I cross my arms over my chest, pushing my chest out till it strains against the flimsy material of my tank. Xavier lets out a disgruntled groan and the atmosphere in the car shifts from comfortable to sexual in the span of a few seconds. "Seraph", he warns. It's a shame this angel isn't as innocent as her friends. I bat my eyelashes at him innocently, "what?" 

He groans and rubs his face with his hands. Don't do this while driving kids, it's dangerous. He snatches my sweater and tosses it in my lap, "wear that, I'm turning on the AC." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Who knew the sex-god Xavier Blaze couldn't handle a little nudity. Maybe he decided to go all Broken Knight and is secretly a virgin while getting girls to lie about his abilities in bed. 

Okay, maybe, I have to re-think that theory courtesy of well, Caitlyn. 

"And if I don't?" I challenge, flashing him my most confident smirk and he gives me a Really? look. That must be why I couldn't join the drama club, "trust me you don't wanna know."

It's my turn to mirror his actions. Really? He's going to leave it to my imagination. What's the worst he could do? Punish me? Tie me to his bed and spank me? I let out a small snicker at the thought of Xavier doing something like that. Damn, just imagining him nake-

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