His eyes shoot lasers and I don't want to die.

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"So, this was your grand idea?" I mock, staring at the pale yellow walls of the abandoned infirmary holding us hostage, eyeing the way Xavier pathetically pounds a rusty chair against the door. For an abandoned building, their doors sure are made out of some solid wood, or maybe Xavier is just extremely weak. Someone decided it would be fun to lock us in-maybe it wasn't even a person since Xavier decided it would be fun to explore the abandoned hallways of the West Building, a part of the school off-limits to everyone. Hasn't he ever understood the basic plotline of a horror movie, abandoned buildings and automatically locking doors? Cliché tell me about it.

"Ever tried pulling the door?" I suggest and he throws a sidewards glance, causing me to wince as a sharp pain shoots through my skull, wiping the smirk right off my face. The roach knows that the ridiculously beautiful shade of his iris gives me constant headaches if I were to make eye-contact with him, yet he doesn't stop. It's his way of saying "I have the upper hand, bubble tea."

"Can it! Bubble tea."

I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest as I lay down on the tattered sofa. This is as good as it's gonna get. I mean, what did I even expect? A boyfriend, great friends, parties, a change from my mundane life? Getting stuck with an oddball in an abandoned school infirmary is my kind of destiny. 

"Sorta' like a movie isn't it?" Like hello, universe! Why do you hate me so much? Is it because I pollute you by never recycling or because I threw sand in a boy's eyes last year and forgot to apologize. It wasn't even my fault, to begin with. 

"Jeez yes, I couldn't agree more", I mock sarcastically. "I can already picture the hit Wattpad Studio's book turned movie. One boy. One girl. One room. Two people", I gesticulate dramatically. 

He smirks, passing a hand through his hair in a way that would make any girl swoon. If he thinks imma willingly drop my panties for him anywhere, this dude gotta see a therapist. PRONTO! 

"Two enter but only one left alive, who is the killer?" His grin falters. "what were you expecting? An R-rated novel? This isn't After by Anna Todd."

"Doesn't every girl wish she was Tessa Young? I mean she's got a hot, bad boy boyfriend, with tats and a cool accent?"

I widen my eyes in mock surprise. "I will turn you into a fried salmon if you don't get us out of here!" I threaten to which he chuckles. "Me? Fried salmon? Bubble tea, you're off the rocker or something?"

"That nickname is off the rocker", I mimick his accent in a phony high-pitched voice making him burst out into deep laughter. He throws his head back, his dimples popping out, and somewhere inside of me, something begins to shake making me feel queasy, it's uncomfortable. Oh god, please make it stop! 

For the love of insides, stop acting all over the place! "Anyway", I purse my lips trying to get a grip on my queasy insides. It's like the butterflies in my stomach each had a cup of coffee and tequila and are now partying. "Why did you even bring me here?" I ask changing the topic. 

"Just...", he trails off. "You look like someone I knew."

"Knew?" I prod. "So like she's...gone?" 

He sends me a glare and I zip my lips. "Sorry. Didn't mean to be nosy." His eyes shoot lasers and I don't intend on dying. 

I get up, stretching my arms before walking over to the candle holder. 

Vintage and Creepy. 

The designers really needed to need to catch a wake-up and travel to the present. This ain't the fifteenth century. I stare at the vintage candle holder, askew and rusty. I sigh, straightening it and before I can even comprehend the floor beneath me gives away and I fall. 

I can feel a shrill scream emit from my throat as the feeling of the wind hitting against my back snaps me back to reality and I pathetically fling my arms around to find something to grab. Dejá vú much. 

I let out a groan as my back makes contact with the soft ground with a small thud. At least, there's no sharp rock that'll crack my skull open.  "Ouch", I mutter, dusting my palms as I feel try to get up, knocking my ankles against a barrier. Guess I spoke too soon. I'm guessing it's a wall since it's so frickin' dense. 

"Xavier", I call out. "Xavier? Can you hear me?" I shield my eyes from the light above as it faintly illuminates everything around me. "Holy shit!" He cusses staring down at me in awe as if I was a mermaid held hostage by a crazed scientist and he'd accidentally stumbled upon me trying to escape. 

In short: This is unexpectedly crazy. 

"Switch your phone flashlight and shine it down, it's dark here." It's still clearer than my future, though. 

"One sec." He mumbles and I can make out his figure fumbling around. "How did this even happen?"

I shrug but I doubt he can even see. "Just fiddled around with the crooked candle holder", I stated, before noticing the step ladder in front of me. It was built into the wall, rocky with an uneven surface and extremely dangerous. "There's a ladder here, but it's made out of rock and I need you to shed some light here."

"I'm coming down t-" but even before he can finish, the wall above closes, and everything becomes dark. 

Wow, what an epic way to end the day. 

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