The Thing

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I felt my body jolt awake, but my eyes wouldnt open. I decided to leave my eyes alone and use my other senses to check out where I was.

I seemed to be on a thin matress that obviously wasn't meant to be comfortable. I moved my left hand and realized that there was something on it, but my eyes wouldn't open. I smelt a light trace of clorox. Am I in a hospital? HA! Like hell. In C.C., they wouldn't shove any of us in a hospital. EVER.

I tried to open my eyes once again, and succeeded. I sat up and took a look around. The whole room was white, almost blinding me. I found myself on a hospital bed with an I.V. stuck in my hand. I ripped it out and looked down to find myself in white clothes, all white, no trace of color whatsoever. Damn.

I just sat there for who knows how long, until I heard the door click as someone came in.


The bald jackass that stole my best friend's life in my hands.

I felt my anger start to rise, my blood started to boil. I was pissed beyond words. That son of a fucking bitch. Im gonna-.

I was cut off by a faint red-orange glow that seemed to come from my direction. I looked down to find ouf that I was on fire. Literaly.

I quickly jumped from the bed and patted myself so the fire would go out. After a couple seconds, it did. The shirt I was wearing had a couple burn marks, no holes. Thank god. Wait, how the fuck-? I thought. I started walking around in circles trying to look at my back, completely confused. I heard a muffled cough that broke me from my confusion and looked back up at the thing.

"What the fuck do you want?" I sneered, spitting out as much venom as possible.

"I just came in to see if you're O.K." He said casually while shrugging.

I instantly swung my fist at his face. My fist turned into a fireball as I swung. I landed a 3rd degree burn on his jaw, which had him spinning around. When he got himself a little bit stable, his back was facing me, so I landed another blow in between his shoulder blades. His shirt caught on fire as he fell to the ground.

"YOU KILLED MY FUCKING FRIEND! IN COLD BLOOD! 13 YEARS LATER, YOU COME TO CHECK ON ME AND SEE IF IM O.K!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I stood up and started screaming at him as loud as I could. I wish I could kill him now. I imagine myself slowly choking the life out of him, watching him slowly dying away. I would watch the whole time with the biggest smile on my face.

I sigh. I can't kill though. Damn my innocence. Just cause I've been in the C.C. doesnt mean I've killed someone. I can't. I just wish I could.

"Leave. NOW." I said, sighing. I was trying to get myself to chill out. Or atleast get a little more chilled.

The thing left my room and I was met with silence once again. I dropped to the ground lazily, landing on my ass. I tried to calm myself down a little more by taking deep breaths, counting to ten and staring at the blank cieling. Moments later, he returned.

"Would you like anything to eat?" He asked. I didn't answer, I just kept staring at the white cieling. After a while he spoke.

"Im sorry. About your friend."

"Sorry aint gonna cut it." I said quickly. "Sorry aint gonna bring him back, no matter how much you say. Hes still 6ft under." We sat in silence for a few more moments.

"Why?" I asked. "Why did you kill him?"

He hesatated a few seconds before speaking. " I didn't mean to get him. My goal was to bring you down, but he got in the way."

I snickered. "Why were you trying to shoot me down?"

"You're psychic, and I was just following my boss' s orders."

"One question." I said.


"If your boss told you to feed your head to a lion, would you do i it?"

My question led to a very long silence. Then he answered. "Yes."

"Bullshit." I replied. This dude is fucking insane.

"I'm not insane, I just follow the boss's orders."

"Dont give a fuck." I replied rather quickly. We were met with another silence.

"Well," he said, "do you want somethig to eat or drink?"

"Chocolate milk and chocolate chip pancakes would help." Hey, I haven't had chocolate in 13 years and my brain runs better on sugar, leave me alone.

"Anything else?"

How about your headless body hanging from th cieling by your intestines with your head on the ground spewing out blood. "Nope." I said imagining the almost beautiful thought that popped itself into my head and forcing an obviously fake smile. He gulped a little bit of air and left the room, leaving the door open a crack. when he exited into the hallway, i counted to 10 slowly and made my own way out of the room.

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