Oops. . .

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The reason I went to Ray's instead of Nerd's is because I always knew that I'd need some sorta backup place. When you're different from most poeple, definately with powers, you get a little paranoid. You never know when someone is gonna go after ya.

It took me a while, but eventually I found it. All the lights were off. I kinda felt guilty,  they were all asleep and I was gonna wake them up, but its an emergency. I walked up to the door, kinda cautiously,  because I haven't been here before. I knocked.

A light upstairs turned on and in a couple seconds I saw Ray standing in front of me. He looked tired, which only added to my guilt.

"Hey dude. You ok?" Ray asked, lifting one hand to wipe the tiredness from his eyes.

"No, im not." I said in the most serious voice I could, "I think im going crazy."

Ray snickered and propped his hand on my shoulder. "Josh," he paused and started smiling, "You've been hanging out with Mikey waaaaaaay too long."

"Dude, im serious. Dead serious." I replied.

"Ok. Come on." Ray said, his smiling disappearing, and led me upstairs to his room. His room had nice baby blue walls and a twin-size bed with lime green blanket. We took a seat on the bed and sat in silence.

"So," Ray said, breaking it, " why are you here?"

"Well. . . . Ummmm. . . its a long story." I said, hoping he wouldn't want to hear it all.

"O.k." he replied, "We got all night." Damnit. What do I start with? The fact that I have a psychic power? I cant tell him that, I promised myself. Shit, might as well.

"I-i, h-have a p-psychic power?" My answer came out as more of a question than planned.

"Prove it." Ray replied and crossed his arms. He looked at me like I was supposed to do something. I hesitated.

"O-ok." I tried to over and over again. I couldnt do it. Its probubly cause you're nervous, I thought. I took a few breaths to calm my nerves.  Finally, on the third try, I flew. But I flew up a little too fast and crashed into the cieling, paint and wood going everywhere.  When I came down and hit the bed, I groaned. Ouch. After the pain settled down, I looked at Ray to check out his reaction.

"Holey smokes." He said. His eyes became extremely wide, and I kid-you-not, his jaw litteraly dropped.

"So, yeah. I got levitation, and I got into a fight with my dad, flew out to the park without thinking, and now theres a wierd, creepy bald dude trying to get me. He seems to be in a top organization, saying he had a helicopter on my ass in less than two seconds." I shot out. I looked at Ray for some sort of answer.

After a moment, his surprised face slowly left as he turned his head up. "Dude," he said, looking at the cieling, " my dads gonna kill me."

He shook his head and looked at me, slowly putting his 'thinking cap' on. His fingers were wrapped around his chin, and his eyes deep in thought 'mode'.

I called it a 'mode' because you could hit the kid as hard as possible with a metal bat in this 'mode' and it wouldn't phase him. I tried it. I was curious, ok?! Curiosity killed the cat, he just looked so deep in thought, I started to wonder if he was alive. He wouldn't react when I snapped, so, one thing led to another.

He was ok though, the only thing he had was a big bump on the back of his head. He didnt talk to me a whole month after that, he forgave me as long as I promised to never do that agai-

"Dude, I got no ideas for ya." Ray said, moments later breaking my thoughts," Wish I did, but I don't."

"Its ok, we'll think of something. Can I stay here till we figure something out?"

"Sure." He replied. We got a bunch of blankets and I camped out on the floor.

"Thanks, Ray." I said, " I swear, I'll help with the cieling when I can." but by the time i was done, he was already snoring.

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