Talk About Pain. . .

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He injected the shit into my bloodstream. When all of the syringe's contents was in me, he left. I tried to ask what he injected in me, but even if he answered I wouldn't be able to hear him.

The noise from the headset started to get louder, shaking my head even more. It felt as if it was trying to shake my head off of my body. When the noise hit a certain level, my blood started to feel thicker beneath my skin, like I was about to explode from the inside.

I looked down at my arm but couldn't see it clear becase the headset. It was all a blur. I tried to still my head when a wave of pain flashed through me, traveling from my arm to the rest of my body. I screamed and struggled against the restraints, hoping to get out, for the excrutiating pain to stop, but it didnt. The pain kept washing through me in extremely painful waves.

I was too busy struggling against the pain, that I didn't realize the white noise stopped. My head was still shaking from the headset, even though it was turned off. I was still in extreme pain when a group of men entered.

They undid the restraints and picked me up. The men are dressed in white biohazard suits that covered their whole body. I was in too much pain to question.

They brought me to a room with a tank big enough for 3-4 people, but about 10ft tall, about 60% filled with the same liquid in the syringe. There was wierd as hell equipment littering tables and the floor all surounding the tank, some chords were connected. The pain started to slowly fade away as one of the men brought over a ladder while another one stripped me of my clothes.

When I was completely naked, they brought me up to the top of the latter. I reached the top, until one of the men pushed me into the black and blue tank.

The pain that came when my skin touched the liquid was 10 times worse than what it was a couple minutes ago. When I was completely under, I was met with instant darkness and pain. My skin became completely numb. My mind tried to swim upwards, but my body didn't allow me.

I ended up breathing in the liquid and I felt it travel down into my lungs. The pain felt like someone fed me gasoline and forced a lit match down my throat. It burned my insides and tasted horrible. I felt the liquid move down my throat, into my stomach, and into my intestines burning my insides slowly, but surely.

  After a couple more minutes of excruciating pain,  I felt hands grab my arms and take me out. I was met with intense light.

I've died, I thought. I  reached my arm up to cover my eyes, only to find out the light slightly turned a little dark. O.K, so im not dead.

I shut my eyes to hopefully shut the bright light out. When I did, I still saw the light. So it must be my eyes themselves. I was too busy trying to figure the mystery out that I didn't realise the light was fading very, very slowly.

Suddenly, the light was completely gone. My vision became a deep, endless black. I tried to open my eyes, but couldn't. I tried a couple more times until I lost consiousness.

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