Identity change, well, kinda. . .

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I flew as fast as I could in the small amount of time as possible, using some rooftops as resting points.

About 50 seconds into my 4th stop, I heard thumping in the distance. Like a constant thump-thump-thump-thump, but it was getting closer every second.

I looked out at the horizon and found a metal box flying towards me. Shit. A helicopter appeared a mile away, coming in fast. I had that gut feeling that the helicopter had to do something with that dude in the suit, definately since it was coming at me. As it got close, I saw a design on its side and a couple letters that spelt out:P.S.O. I leaped off the building I was on ( using my power to get down safely, but fast ), and ran.

I ran up the random street and turned randomly, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Left, right, another right, straight, take a left. Once again, I found myself breathless, my lungs filled with fire, forcing me to stop and catch my breath.

When I stopped, I shook my head to take a look at my surroundings. A gas station, a couple houses, still in the city. While looking around, I also listened for the helicopter. Nothing. Best news all day.

After a couple minutes, I checked my pockets for money, just to see if I had any, I did. About $10. Good enough, I thought, then I entered the station.


I walked in and started looking in some of the aisles trying to find something to help me with this situation. The place was like any other gas station, a few flickerig lights, a wall for beverages, and some aisles.

I found black hairspray. Perfect. It was, saying that I have blonde hair. I also found cool fake tattoos. Might as well, I could put one on my cheek. Maybe it could help. . . No, it'll only drag attention to my face. So,I set the tattoos down and settled with fake nose and lip rings.

I put my products on the counter, as the cashier scanned them.

"$8.25" He said. I handed him my money, took the change and asked where the bathroom was.

"Go down the 5th aisle, take a right."

"Thanks." I replied, then went into the bathroom.

When I entered the bathroom, I took the hairspray out, shook it up, and popped it on. To tell you the truth, I didn't look bad in black. The fake nose and lip rings finished it off perfectly. I almost didn't recognize myself.

I stayed in the bathroom longer than necessary, admiring my 'sexyness'. I did at least 30-40 different faces. Hey, when theres a guy as good as me, you can't help but stare.

I exited the bathroom, and the station.

What the hell do I do now? I can't go home, can't go to Nerd's house ( because his dad will call my dad). Maybe I could stay at Ray's. His dad don't know my dad, so I should be good, right? But my dad will call the police, I don't wanna get Ray's family in trouble. Maybe if I called my dad from a payphone. Yeah, that should work. So, I went back inside the station and asked where the nearest payphone was. Once I got the directions, I left.


When I reached the payphone, I slid some coins into the slot and listened to it ring.

After the 3rd ring, someone picked it up.

"Who is this?" My dad answered. He sounded extremely worried. If he ever sees me again, I'm grounded for good.

"Dad, I'm ok." I said, answering his question before it came out, " I'm spending the night at a friend's house.

"Son, how in the name of hell did you do that?"

"Dad, I can't really tell you, cause I don't know how. I'll let you know when I actually do, k? I've gotta go. I love you. Tell mom I love her too." Then I hung up and started walking to Ray's.

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