Out And About

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I ran. Faster than I ever ran before. I was running randomly at first. I know, thats dangerous, I was too upset to care. After a while of running, I decided to bring myself to Nerd's house. Lets face it, I am not, gonna sleep by myself in the streets. No way in hell. Who knows what psychos are out there. I decided on speed walking till I stepped onto his street. It was dark by the time I got there.

The houses here are in pretty good condition. After looking around, I lifted my head up to look at the stars. They were beautiful. Its always been a hobby. When I first found out about my power, when I had a trampoline, I would ask my parents if I could jump on it near nighttime in the summer. Everytime I went into the air, I used my power to boost me up a bit. I would reach my hands out and try to grab the stars, sometimes catching some unlucky fireflies in the process.

I reached Nerd's house and stepped up the stairs and onto the porch. Knock, knock. I knocked on his front door and waited. A couple seconds later, I saw the shadow of someone reaching for the handle on the inside, opening the door.

I was greeted by Nerds dad opening the door.

" Hello, young Alset, how are you?"

"Horrible. May I spend the night here?"

"Sure, why not." Nerd's dad replied as he let me in.

" Are you all right?" He asked.

"Im fine, thank you." Nerd came tumbling bown the stairs while I took off my shoes.

He was about to say something but I cut him off."Nerd, we've gotta talk, big-time."

"Whats wrong?" Nerd said, his brows scrunched up in worry.

"Get Ray on the phone. I might as well tell you both." I told Nerd when I got on the steps and started up the stairs after Nerd.

"Rays already here." Well then.

I entered his room and crashed on the bed.

"You spending the night too?" Ray asked.

"Yeah." After we got comfortable, Nerd looked at me.

"Well, what do you gotta say?" Leave it to Nerd to get straight to the point.

"I got pissed off at my parents."

"What happened? " They both asked. Nerd looked at me for an explanation, along with Ray.

"How do I put this?" I hesitated, not sure how they'd react. This is a new situation. It was hard to get it out, but eventually I did.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Ray screamed. His scream was loud, Nerd and I had to cove our ears.

"When are you moving?" Nerd asked. He seemed worried and lost at the same time. I felt bad.

"Two weeks." We sat in complete silence for a couple moments. Ray lowered his head and started sniffling.

"I don't want you to go."Ray said, tears streaming down his face. I climbed down to the floor, where he was wrapped up in a bunch of blankets, and gave him a hug.

"It ain't fair. How could they do that?" He whispered.

"Don't cry dude. Its OK. I'll find some way to stay. I'll try my best." I said to try and cheered him up. I promise.

"How about we get our minds off this and look up some funny vines." I said.

The rest of the night, all three of us talked, watched movies, pigged out and stayed up till 3:00 am, chugging down soda in the process.

"Josh." Nerd said, the need for sleep tugging at his voice.

"Yeah." I said, trying to hide a yawn.

"Promise you wont forget about us when you move?"

"I promise." I said. I'll NEVER forget you guys. I thought while listening to them snore until I, too was taken by sleep.

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