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(Joshua's pov)

I woke up on a cloud of fluffyness that made me want to fall back to sleep. Wait. I quickly openned my eyes to find myself staring at a white ceiling. What the fuck. . . where am I? I sat up, despite the comfy mattress trying to pull me back down. My eyes wandered the walls of the room I was in.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and walked to the door. I placed my ear on it to hear if anyone was coming. Coast is clear. I slowly wrapped my hand around the doorknob and twisted it, careful to not make a sound.

The hallway walls were a maroon color with a cream colored carpet covering the floor. There are a couple stands here and there with white and green flowers that sat in vases on top with a picture hanging on the wall above.

When I openned the door, I took a step out I turned right and started walking.

"What up, kid?" I heard someone say, startling me. I jumped and fell on my back. Oomph. Ouch.

"Who the fuck. . . " I looked up at the dude. He was a bit taller than me, by the looks of it. He looked very familiar, but I dont know why.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Mikey." He said while smiling, "But the others call me Techboy."

"O.K. Techboy, where am I?" I said, getting straight to the point.

"You are on the floor. Duh." He replied. Wow, he is a jackass.

"Im being serious." I said while lifting myself off the floor.

"You're at The C.C. Renegade Refuge and I will be your tour guide today. After you take a shower, of course." He said, waving his hand infront of his face with a disgusted look.

Whatever, I thought as I rolled my eyes and I started following him.

"That, right there", he said pointing to a door on the right, "is Lauren's room, you go in there, consider yourself dead."

"Got it." I said.

"And that room," he said pointing to another door,"is mine, same rules apply. " Techboy showed me all around and ended the tour at the bathroom.

After I showered. I decided to go to the livingroom and make myself comfortable. When I entered, I saw that girl from the airport on the couch. Im guessing shes Lauren.

"Um, hello." I said.

"Hi, there. How are ya doing?" She asked.

"Good." I replied, and cautiously took a seat on the far end of the couch. "How are you?" I asked her.

"Im doing good."

"Cool." I said and turned my head up to the tv. It was a cartoon. After a couple minutes, the cartoon switched to a comercial.

~We protect you, your loved ones, and your comunitee from very dangerous criminals. We are Criminal Central. ~ The tv said while showing the outside of the facility. ~Here, we provide much of the energy you use in your homes, while serving justice.~ Ok. Thats the most biggest pile of shit ive ever seen and heard. IM NOT A CRIMINAL! I let out a heavy sigh.

"Thats bull, huh?" Lauren said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"So," she asked,"How did you end up there?"

How did you know? "How did yo-"

"Me and Kelin have been looking up some stuff. So, how?" She said, suddenly determined to get information. I openned my mouth to say how, but thought better.

"I tried bombing the white house." I said, spilling out the first ly that came to mind. I looked at her reaction to see if she believed me.

"Oh." She said. You can tell she doesnt believe me. Oh, well. I turned my head back to the tv and got lost in the insane world of cartoons.

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