13: Escape

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I openned the door wider, and peeped my head out, taking a look to see if the coast was clear. I saw no one and thought of it as a good sign. I stepped out into the hallway trying not to make a sound. Carefully, I took a right. I found myself in a hallway that was long as all hell with doors on both sides, about 18 feet away from each other.

I walked down, slowly and silently. The damn hallway didn't seem to end. As I kept walking down, I started to hear people have a conversation. It was muffled at first, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to find where the talking was coming from.

A few seconds later, I found myself at one of the many white doors. This one was cracked open and the voices were clear. I brought myself closer and listened.

"I've heard that expiriment number 5603X was alive and responsive." A deep voice said.

"Good, what were the signs?" One of the men asked.

"Whole body flamation."

"Anything else?"

"Not that we know of."

"Anything that might have triggered it?"

"We dont know yet."

I heard papers being shuffled, then footsteps heading towards the door. I turned around and started running, not wanting to be caught snooping around.

"HEY!" One of the men screamed when they saw me. I heard papers skatter from one of the men's hands and started running faster hearing their footsteps follow. I passed the room I was in before, taking a quick look. I saw the thing turn towards the door just before the wall cut off my gaze. I whipped my head to look ahead and kept running.

Sirens started going off while I ran. Iran to the end of the hall and ended up in some sort of a lobby. It was all white with a couple windows looking at a sheets of grey.

When I saw a dark metal sheet slide down the doors and windows, I quickly ran into one of the windows making glass fly around like fireworks before the metal sheet could close completely.

I did a summersault the instant I hit the ground. When I got myself standing, I looked around. I was still in the C.C. I looked around to find a way to escape, but lets face it: in C.C., escape not gonna work, its imposible. You have more of a chance getting hit by lightening 500 times in 1 minute, and even at that you wont live through it.

I tilted my head up to one of the towers that is at one of the corners. The guys in the tower had machine guns ready and pointed at me. I turned to look at the top of the wall, which is covered in extremely sharp wire, along with regular barbed wire.

How am I gonna get out? Well, you could fly. No, thats what got me into this hell in the first place. Hey, if it got you in, it can, and will, get you out. I looked around at the guards that were exiting the building, guns ready.

Well, I thought, taking a deep breathe, here goes nothing. I started running to the wall, a wave of bullets flying at and around me, but none of the bullets hit home. As I got closer to the wall, I prepared myself for take-off. When my feet left the ground, I instantly flipped to the right, slamming into the ground with my arm.

OUCH! THAT FUCKING HURTS! My mind screamed at me. I chose to ignore the sting. I got back onto my feet and flew up again, keeping my balance this time. Barely.

When I got balance as good as I could, I  hovered in the air with bullets still flying at me. They didnt even get 1 foot near my skin. When they did, the bullets would disappear into a small ball of flames and turn to red ash that slowly fell to the ground.

How? I reached my hand out to hopefully touch the invisble shield, but with no luck. My hand went straight through, almost getting caught by a bullet. Whoa. Im like a super-psychic. Ha.

I looked up when the sounds of guns going off stopped. I turned my head around and saw many of the guards staring at me in disbelief. I look at them, then start laughing my ass off. I flew to the wall slowly, still laughing, and simply flew over it, taking my sweet old time.

Losers. I thought as I finally get a glimpse of what the outside of the wall looks like.

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