Plan A, B, C, D, etc.

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When I woke up I looked over to find Nerd and Ray still knocked out. I got up, lifting my hand and rubbed my eyes. I smelled someone cooking breakfast downstairs and found myself stumbling in that direction.

"Good morning Josh." Nerd's mom replied as I steppd into the kitchen. Out of every room in any house, my favorite was the kitchen. The beautiful scents flying through the invisible air making you drool. And if the right person was cooking the right meal, you couldn't help but feel like you're in heaven.

"Morning." I mumbled back, stumbling into the bathroom.

She was making bacon and eggs. They smelt amazing, talk about heaven. If theres anyone that was good at cooking, it was her. Chef Ramsey's cooking is nothing compaired to hers (no offense).

"Go tell Mikey and Ray breakfast is done." Nerd's mother told me when I got out.

"OK." I responded, then went back upstairs.

"Yo, dudes." I said, lightly nudging Ray in the face with my foot, "Breakfast is done."

Nerd moanned and Ray shot up almost instantly with me following. We had a 'race' to see who'd get there faster. I lost, like always.

When we entered the kitchen, Nerd's mom handed me and Ray plate, all the while callin Nerd down.

Halfway through breakfast, Nerd came down mumbling. He looked like a mess.

"Anyone in the bathoom?" He said.


"OK." Nerd said while shutting the bathroom door.

After waiting for Nerd to get done eating, the three of us flew upstairs and sat on the bed.

"What do we do now." Ray said, refring to the fact that I was moving in two weeks.

"Well. . . " Nerd said. "We could set up a series of plans to make you stay."

"Yeah. That should work." Ray said turning his head torwards me.

"Wouldn't hurt to try." I responded.

The rest of the day we stayed in the room and discussed our 'plans'. By the end, we made up somewhere around 26, 27 plans. Some of the plans were based on miracles, others seemed real, others wouldn't happen in a billion years. Like the one of the ones Ray suggested: we build a time machine and travel to the past and change the future so I'd stay here forever.

They came up with pretty good ones that would require more than a bit of brainstorming, temper tantrums, and bad behavior. But, me being me, I wouldn't have enough guts to even try. I'll admit it. I'm a wimp. So, me and my friends stuck with plan A: stay here the whole 2 weeks. I wish.


At 3pm the next day, my dad came and picked me up.

"Josh, I know you're mad, but this change in scenery will be good for you and the family." He said. Ha! Yeah, right.

I ignored him and kept staring out the window. I watched as the scenery swept by. Just like my friendships will.

When we got back home, I flew out of the car, too pissed off to care that I used my power in front of him. He was gonna find out sometime anyways.

55 seconds later, I landed in the park. I got very funky looks by people that justso happenned to see me. Who the fuck cares. I'm gonna be gone in two weeks anyway. Except there was one face that creeped me out.

He was dressed in a suit, sunglasses, and he was bald. He seemed to study me, like some sort of alien. The way he was observing me made me want to run. Moments passed as I studied him, my brain screaming at me to go somewhere else. Where would I go? I kept watching him and flinched when he put his phone to his ear, still staring at me. 'Found one'. I saw him mouthed into the phone.

As soon as those words left his lips, realization hit me. Run. My mind said, I turned around and flew off, and came to regret it.

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