17: Kelin P.O.V.

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"You'll see us in about 14 hours, goodnight." I sent to Josh telepathicaly. And I felt his aura instantly relax.

"Goodnight, dad." He sent back. Damn. Poor kid. I bent down to pick him up, bridal - style, and took him out of the airport, with Lauren on my heels. We walked up to my beautiful baby.

Shes a black Ford F150 with blue and green flames on the hood and sides, nitros, and bulletproof widows. Not only that, but when I press a secret button inside, her body becomes ccovered in spikes, along with her wheels. My technician, aka Tech-boy, made it so the spikes can retreat back in without scratching her.

"Got him." I sent to Royden.

"Cool. I'll get his room ready." He replied. Lauren seated herself in the passenger seat while I jumped into the driver's. I love driving. It's awesome. I am tough, but when it comes to cars, my inner kid comes out.

I got bored of the silence and decided I would turn on the radio.

"Yo, Killcode," I said. My car instantly came to life.

"Hello, Kelin. How have you been?" Killcode's electronic voice came through the speakers.

"Pretty good," I replied, "You?"

"Same, what would you like to do?" Killcode said.

"Can you turn on some Avenged Sevenfold?"

"No problem." Killcode replied. A couple seconds later, I heard the song Nightmare play.

"Thanks, girl." I said and heard my sister snicker.

"What?" I asked her and gave her the what-did-i-do-wrong face.

"Do you always have to talk to your car? Its just a car for christ sake."

What the fuck did she say? Did she say what I think she said. Oh no she didnt.

"This." I said, pointing and waving my finger in a circle above and around me, "is not. Just a car." I said, pausing for emphasis. "This," I said, waving my finger around again, "Is my baby. I talk to my baby. Dont judge miss teddy-talker." Her face turned red as a tomato at that. When we were in high school she would talk to her stuffed bear named Teddy. She still does.

"Whatever." She says, rolling her eyes. I smiled and turned back to the road.

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