15: Royden P.O.V.

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( Royden (aka the thing)

I recieved the news of Alset's escape telepathicaly. Plan:A, success. I telepathicaly sent to my actual boss with a big smirk on my face. I walked to Mr. Brickson's office to tell him the news.

Mr. Brickson is head chief of Criminal Central. He is someone you wish you never heard the name of. Millions have been killed by cold blood by him. He has stared in the eyes of all the men hes killed, slowly watching the life drain out of them with a smile on his face. Ruthless is a huge understatement.

I walked up to Mr. Brickson's office door and knocked 5 times.

"Come in." He said. His voice was as cold as stone, no emotion, like always.

I placed my hand on the dorknob and turned it, slowly pushing the door open. The room was quiet and dark. I could see the faint white of a couple stacks of paper on his desk, along with a couple pens and pencils. His chair was pointing away from me towards the windows that overlooked most of the big area of Criminal Central.

"What is it?" He said, a tint of annoyance slipping through.

I coughed to clear my throat. "Expiriment 5603X has escaped, sir." I said, my voice slightly shaky. I tried to get in his mind to see what he was thinking, no matter how much I tried, I never could. I just caught glimpses of dead eyes and blood.

I stood there, looking at the back of his chair, waiting for an order or something. Mr. Brickson moved a little scaring me slightly as his chair let out a screach under his weight. I decided I should break the silence.

"What do you want me to do sir?"

"Catch him and bring him to me."

"Yes, sir." I said and started to walk out. I heard my actual boss telepath a message to me.

"What did fuck-face say?"

"He wants me to catch and kill." I replied, chuckling. "Any news on the kid?"

"Track's got a signal on him. Hes gonna be landing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, according to her. We should get there before him, if the plan works out. You should come with us, we might need help." My boss sent back. I frowned.

"I'm afraid I wont be able to help with this one just yet."

"Hows that?" Boss sent back.

"Lets just say, we had a bad run-in in the past. I'll tell you the rest later, when I'm ready."

"Fine, we'll see you at HQ in 10 hours."


I ended the conversation as I got close to one of the guards by the exit gate. I handed him my badge and I.D. After he studied them, he handed them back amd openned the gate to let me out.

I walked into the parking lot and hopped into my car. I turned the radio onto a station with only white noise playing, and drove away.

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