Chapter 16: Prophecy

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I'm not dead.

Hisato let out a small sigh as he watched Team 7, all adorning Gai's famous jumpsuit, go through the workout assigned to them. They've been at it for a few hours, and it was actually to the point where Hisato himself was feeling bad for the twelve-year-olds. Naruto, the ever workaholic, was doing the best of the three as he continued to run in-and-out sprints around the training field. Sakura, on the other hand, was doing the worst. Despite being unable to lift her arms or go faster than a slow walk, Gai had tasked the young girl to hold herself off the ground. Her. Teeth. Gai had taken it upon himself to buy a tooth mold, tie a ninja wire around it, tie it around a TREE BRANCH, and then told Sakura to "open wide" as he placed her on the contraption.

Hisato stopped looking at the limp form of Sakura about an hour ago.

Sasuke was in the middle of how Naruto and Sakura were doing. He, unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately), was able to lift both of his arms (barely) and was doing chakra pull-ups. Let's just say that there were more than a few combusted branches lying around. Luckily, the annoyance called rain stopped, so he didn't have to do... punishments for each time that he fell.

"Uno," Hisato stated, placing down a red nine. Tora grumbled something about cheating before placing down a blue nine, to which Hisato responded with a blue 8, concluding the game.

The brunette leaned back against the tree trunk as Tora re-shuffled the slightly damp (thanks to the rain that came out of nowhere) deck. At first, he decided to watch the young Genin do their workout for entertainment reasons, but even he had his limits on how much of Gai's torture he could watch. Hisato honestly wanted something interesting to happen.

"Hisato Arata, you're under arrest for conspiracy against Konoha."

Spoke too soon.

... A few moments earlier...

Jiraiya was in a bad mood. Thankfully, the rain finally let up and allowed the morning sun to show its face, but that horribly bright face brought unbearable heat.

"Grow your hair out, he said. It will be useful for a cool new jutsu, he said," The Sannin mumbled under his breath.

Jiraiya knows that his voluptuous hair attracts the ladies, but Sun-chan also seemed to have her eyes on him as well. It didn't help that she was leaving her sweaty mark on him, effectively scaring all of the ladies away from his damp form.

Jiraiya promptly turned around and flipped off the sun.

Kotetsu, who was escorting the sage to the Hokage's office (after all, it was the least he could do after Jiraiya saved his life), let out a low cough as the two arrived outside the aged Hokage's doors. "I believe we part ways here, Jiraiya-sama."

Jiraiya nodded his head in acknowledgment before entering the building. The lady at the front desk immediately went red in the face from his sheer brilliance and ran up the stairs to the Hokage's office.

'I really need to learn her name.' Thought Jiraiya passively, following the fleet-footed woman up the stairs. It was a single flight of stairs that entered a large circular hallway. It didn't take long for Jiraiya to make his way to the old man's office.

After he squeezed the rest of his sweat out of his hair (after all, he had to look half presentable), he opened the wooden door and entered the large office, half noting the closed window behind the old war hero.

"Ah, Jiraiya," Hiruzen said with false enthusiasm, "I wasn't expecting you to show up here unannounced." He waved away his secretary (Jiraiya really needed to learn her name), and folded his hands, placing them on his desk. "What brings you here?"

Deciding it would be easiest to repeat himself, he just simply stated, "Happen to see a man in his mid-twenties pop up out of nowhere?"

The only thing that gave away the old mans' shock was the slight twitch in his left eyebrow. "Leave us," he said gruffly, painting a small silencing seal. Once activated, he turned to face Jiraiya.


{April 3, 2021}

Not long, but I felt bad.

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