Chapter 8: Good or Bad Mood?

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Naruto was in a good mood. An oddly good mood. A small smile adorned his face as he walked towards training ground 3 to meet his team for training. He was quiet, slowly taking in the nature around him. Yes, Naruto was in a very good mood.

The talk with Hisato left him confused, but under further contemplation, Naruto realized that no, Hisato was being nice just to be nice. Not to manipulate him, or just being too nice; he was just nice.

Naruto walked onto the training ground, both Sasuke and Sakura waiting there for both him and their sensei (who wouldn't be there for a few hours), but for the first time, he was quiet. Not yelling any "Hey, Sakura-chan" or shouting at Sasuke and calling him an idiot. After all, Naruto was in a good mood.

They all sat in silence, Sasuke sitting against a tree, Naruto sitting on a branch above him. Sakura leaned against a tree beside the one Sasuke was sitting against, shooting Naruto a worried glance from time to time.

She wasn't used to the silence. The blonde boy usually filled it with meaningless banter and commentary, which while annoying, made the time pass exponentially. There had to be something wrong, and Sasuke was sure to be thinking something along the same longs. After all, Sasuke was so brave and caring and-

Sasuke was showing himself to be an astute ninja, so the situation that was happening before him was not lost. Naruto was quiet. Quiet. That never happened, and his attempts to shut him up in the past just made him louder. Sasuke knew that he should be happy that Naruto was being quiet for once, but it was slightly worrisome - not that he cared, but it might hurt the team and Sasuke's chances to rise through the ranks. Yes, he wasn't worried, it was for his own goals - his ambition that he had to figure out what was wrong with Naruto.

The dark-eyed boy glanced toward Sakura, knowing full well that the situation wasn't lost to her either. He saw her throwing glances at the blonde boy and knew that she too was worried. He nudged his head to the right, an invitation for her to sit by him. He almost regretted the action when a powerful blush engulfed her face, but she seemed to get a hold of herself and stiffly walked over to him.

Sasuke glanced upwards, making sure that Naruto didn't notice the movement that Sasuke wouldn't have allowed any other time. He seemed to just be staring into space, another worrying sight, so Sasuke deemed it safe to talk to Sakura.

He turned his attention back to Sakura, noticing that the red blush that had overtaken her face had dimmed down to a slight pink. "Something is wrong with Naruto," he stated, getting straight to the point. Sakura nodded in agreement.

"I noticed that too..." she started, briefly glancing up towards Naruto's position. "Should we talk to him about it?"

Sasuke was about to say no, but stopped himself. Should they talk to him? They've never had to deal with Naruto when he was like... this. The Naruto they know is loud and obnoxious, not whatever is going on here. Yes, something had to be seriously wrong.

"We start a normal conversation with him and slowly bring it up," Sasuke decided. "That would be the best course of action, knowing the dobe, he might feel attacked if we just asked him how he was straight out."

Sakura nodded in agreement. Naruto always got riled up over everything her sweet Sasuke did, so who knows what he would do if both of them asked. He may feel like they were teaming up on him, which is definitely not the case, but Naruto wouldn't know that.

Both of them leaped up onto the branch beside Naruto, Sasuke leaping one higher, because people - ew. Naruto slowly looked at both of them, his eyes first going up to Sasuke's position, then to Sakura's. "Is there something you two need?" the boy asked, slightly confused on why they willingly came up to him.

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