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He ended it. The only thing he had left, but no desire to keep: His Life. There was nothing left for him- nothing left to live for. No one there to protect. Nothing that he could hold dear. So, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze ended it.

However, the Kyuubi had other ideas... The fox had no desire to see his kit dead- nothing left to live for, so he did the only logical thing. Kurama sent him to the past.


The old Hokage took a long drawl from his pipe, giving the ninja one last look over. "Who are you, and just what are you doing in my office?"

"My name is Hisato Arata, and I am but a mere traveler," the blonde spoke, knowing that the Hokage didn't believe him for a second.


A male medical ninja walked in quickly, observing the man. "Flesh wound, a katana I'm guessing, tipped in poison," the medical nin muttered, examining the poor brunette slowly. "Third degree burns, Fire style, obviously..." The ninja trailed off when he saw the scar over the mans heart and over his throat. "How... how did you survive those wounds?"

"I was taken to a medical ninja," the man shrugged.

The medical ninja gaped, already starting on the nasty flesh wound. "Your heart was, or almost was penetrated by condensed lightning chakra, there is no way to survive that unless you were healed by Tsunade herself! Even then its almost impossible... Don't get me started on that scar on your neck! It almost looks as if you did that to yourself!" The medical ninja glared hard. "Don't even let me begin on how low you are on chakra right now, how are you even still standing?"


Arata sighed. "It's not a wound, but a memento of my late sensei... please just let it stay covered," he looked down to cover up the grief in his eyes. "I'm not quite ready to look at it..."


"Fire style, Hot Hand Jutsu," Hisato murmured, placing the bread on his hand, letting it heat up before flipping it to the other side.


Hisato started out with the intention of just amusing the Anbu watcher, but he soon found himself having fun, adding a couple million to his savings. It was too bad that he couldn't take that 300 million. The Anbu was having similar thoughts.


"Naruto Uzumaki, the future Hokage," Naruto shouted proudly. Hisato smirked, making Naruto think he wasn't taking him seriously. "I will be future Hokage, ya know! Just watch!"

"With that spirit and attitude, I have no doubt," Hisato grinned, but that grin fell just as quickly as it came. "Don't ever lose that, and never lose sight of your goal."


"Hot Hand Jutsu!" and extreme heat sensation on his butt. Kakashi didn't scream. It didn't matter what Shikaku said or even the Hokage. Definitely not what Ten-Tora says. He. Did. Not. Scream.


"You are a genius," Kurama stated sarcastically. "Oh, look at me! My name is Hisato and I have some severe PTSD. Heh, that rhymed."


"I said, SHUT UP!" the man shouted, punching the mirror in front of him. The mirror shattered on impact, the shards scattering across the room. His knuckles were bloody and the cuts were already healing. The brunette pulled the glass shards out of his hands before the wound closed around them.


Interacting with Naruto shouldn't affect the timeline too badly.


Shikaku grumbled something under his breath before turning to Hisato. "Anyway, I'll keep this short because I have a meeting in five minutes, but I need to talk to you more later." Hisato nodded and Shikaku continued. "You were able to meet the requirements for the title Jonin, approved by both Kakashi-san, Hokage-sama, and myself."


The talk with Hisato left him confused, but under further contemplation, Naruto realized that no, Hisato was being nice just to be nice. Not to manipulate him, or just being too nice; he was just nice.


Suspicion raked through Sasuke's body. There was definitely something wrong with Naruto, and it had to do something with his said neighbor. The pale boy knows for a fact that most people in the village don't receive Naruto well, he's even witnessed them taking it a bit too far by throwing small objects at him whenever he or their sensei wasn't around. Did this 'neighbor' of his threaten Naruto in some way? Sasuke clenched his fist. That had to be it.


"It looked like an Anbu tattoo."


Mind made up, Gai decided to ask. "Say my rival, why don't we trade our youthful teams for a week."


Kakashi stood up and looked Hisato dead in the eye. "About why you have an Anbu tattoo on your left arm."


"I have it because my sensei has... well more like had it," Hisato started. "When my sensei died, I wanted to do something to remember him by, so I got this tattoo." Hisato may be talking about two separate men, but they were both his sensei, so it technically wasn't a lie.

"I have a feeling that you are talking about two different people," Inoichi finally said, adding more chakra to the mans' mind so there was no way that he could lie, much less think about his answer. "Were you talking about two different people?"


"He's having a seizure,"


Kakashi nodded. "Of course, Hokage-sama." Kakashi looked down at the man laying on the floor. "So are we just going to leave him there?"


You all should now be up to date :)

This should allow you guys what has went on in past chapters if y'all forgot. Nothing big has happened... yet ;)

I got some plans...

Anyway, instead of constantly making a new recap chapter, I'm going to just keep adding to this one. By the end it will be absurdly long, but I'll start putting chapter numbers if you want to keep track. I also might just make summaries from here on out. Would you guys prefer that over these little snippets of chapters?

Let me know!

{June 8, 2020}

Spoilers Ahead

... Chapter 11 ...

Sasuke and Sakura are concerned about Naruto, so with the help of their former classmates, they initiate Plan B. When Plan B begins to fail and Naruto tries to leave, someone shows up and injures Naruto, forcing Sasuke and Sakura to take Naruto to his house.

...Chapter 12...

Hisato has finally woken up, and Kakashi goes to check on him. Kakashi doesn't trust Hisato a bit, but abandons his watch on him when he realizes his mistake- leaving Team 7 to do a D-rank by themselves. Gai decides to aid his rival in his search for Kakashi's Genin and in the process a new holiday is created in Konoha.

Chapter 13

The Great Toad Sage has finally foresaw the second half of the prophecy and is troubled by it's contents. Gai has finally found where Naruto lives and corrupted Sasuke. Gai goes to find Kakashi to tell him of Narutos unconscious state. Kakashi arrives and has a talk with Sakura.

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