Chapter 5: Gambling Freak

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It's been a while since Hisato has had some fun, and the Anbu in charge of watching him provided plenty. They hit every casino, only playing one game in each, testing Hisato's luck... of course he won all of them, but before anyone could see who actually won, he and the Anbu sunshined right out of there... taking their winnings with them of course. The worst thing that happened was when the Anbu decided that it would be a great idea to put Hisato on a slot machine. Let's just say they had to get a move on, not even having time to collect their 300 million ryo.

Hisato started out with the intention of just amusing the Anbu watcher, but he soon found himself having fun, adding a couple million to his savings. It was too bad that he couldn't take that 300 million. The Anbu was having similar thoughts.

"I wouldn't have to work ever again with just a fraction from that slot," he murmured, crying to himself beneath the mask, not that he would ever admit it to anyone. "I'd be living it rich."

After spending a fair amount of time gambling with this particular Anbu, Hisato had a pretty good idea of who he was. He only knew one man with all of the quirks and habits the Anbu in front of him did, although, Hisato knew he could also be mistaken, though, he hardly was.

Hisato has made many mistakes in his life, however. The one taking the top spot would probably spending more time looking for Sasuke than training himself to be better. Sure, Hisato has the Kyuubi, but what good does a chakra demon do if the people you're fighting are quite literally able to suck the demon out of you, or even stop you from even being able to use the demons power.

"I don't know if I should be flattered or not"

Hisato chose to ignore Kurama and continued to follow his Anbu escort. Besides, who he fought... who made him lose hope, who pushed him to the point of suicide. That person is here. In this very same village, and Hisato doesn't know if he has what it takes to face that person.


"You pass."

Those two words changed Naruto's life. He could literally feel the change coursing through him, but, that of course came to a stop when his beloved "team" left him by himself, tied to a pole.

"Guys?..." Naruto shouted, squirming a bit, trying to get himself free. "Hello?.."

The blonde boy let out a sigh. Of course they left him. Some teammates they are. Naruto reached his arm down, trying to get a hand on his weapons pouch on his right leg. Unfortunately, the rope wasn't just rope; it was ninja wire and it was cutting into Naruto's skin heavily.

"Of course it's ninja wire," he winced as the wire cut down through his skin, drawing a myriad of blood. "And they just left me here, those jerks."

Naruto eventually gave up with a heavy sigh. Someone has to come for him eventually, he just doesn't know when eventually it. Besides, the blonde has been through much worse than being abandoned by his teammates, wrapped in ninja wire.

After another 10 minutes of just hanging there, Naruto finally saw a silhouette of a man.

"Bought time, ya know?" Naruto called out in both relief and frustration. "I thought you forgot about me, Kakashi-sensei!"

"Well, I'm not this Kakashi-sensei you speak of, but you look like you need a hand," said a man who was most definitely not Kakashi. Naruto squinted at the man in suspicion.

"How do I know I can trust you? I've never seen you before, ya know," the blonde boy spat.

The man slowly came into view and he actually looked a bit sheepish. "Well, you know that I'm probably your only option if you want down. I'm pretty sure this Kakashi guy left you behind."

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