Chapter 4: Tales of an Utterly Gutsy Ninja

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Hisato quickly slapped the double, securing his 30th consecutive victory.

The Anbu leaned back in his seat. "Let's play a different game, I'm sick of losing to you."

"What makes you think that you'll win if we play any other game?" Hisato inquired, chuckling to himself a bit. It's been a while since he's had this much fun.

The Anbu sat upright. "Well, I dunno. Maybe it's because this game requires speed and chance, and since you are obviously fast..."

The brunette sighed. "Then what game do you propose?"

The Anbu sat for a minute. "Have you ever heard of the game, Idiot?" Hisato nodded. "That's basically a game of dumb luck with just a tad of memorization and stratagy. Do you know the rules?"


"How?!" the Anbu shouted, jumping from his seat after his 32nd consecutive loss. Hisato just shrugged. His luck has always been pretty good, well, at least till the war started.

"I oughta take you to a casino, you'd run them dry..." the man mumbled, holding his chin. He looked up. "Have you ever tried a slot machine? Cause I think-"

"Maa, aren't you supposed to be watching him from the outside?"

The Anbu stopped talking and focused his attention on the intruder at the window. "And aren't you supposed to be picking up your Genin team?"

"Touche," Kakashi nodded, placing himself on the couch beside the Anbu. The man just sighed in response to his friends antics. There was no making Kakashi on time.

Hisato let a small wistful smile grace his lips. Yes, today was the day he learned who his team was. Today was the day that he began to make bonds. Today was the beginning of his long journey, the journey that lead him back in time. Back to the day it started.

"-62 time, Kakashi-senpai! 62 times he beat me, tell him, Hisato," the Anbu ranted. Hisato smirked a bit.

"Yes, and every single time he insisted that he would beat me, how very wrong he was," the brunette said in a passive tone, hoping to get a bit of a rile out of the man. Unfortunately, he didn't take the bait.

"We have to take him to a casino, Kakashi-senpai! You and I could make a killing, and-" he was cut off from his rant by none other than Kakashi.

"And I believe I should be going. I've already made them wait 3 hours, that should be sufficient enough," the silver-haired man stated, shutting his book. The man stood up slowly and made his way to the window.

"Wait, Kakashi," Hisato called out before the man could jump away. The masked-ninja turned around, eyebrow raised. "You wouldn't happen to have a spare copy of a book written by that author, would you?"

Kakashi's eyes lit up. "Which one? There's Icha Icha Paradise, Icha Icha Violence, and Icha Icha Inno-"

"Actually, I was thinking about his first book," Hisato interrupted. "Tales of an Utterly Gutsy Ninja."

Kakashi rubbed his chin, "I suppose I might have an extra, I'll take a look for you." And with that, he poofed away, leaving the Anbu and Hisato to playing cards.

{October 20, 2019}

Yes, it is short. No, it's not writers block. What I want to do will take place next chapter. I just needed a bit of a filler.

Besides, it's not like I have this book planned out. Only one of my newer books has that privilege :)

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