Chapter 11: Plan B

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Naruto was silent as he pulled the weeds from the garden before him. It's been a couple days since he has seen Hisato-san, and Naruto was getting worried. Sure, it's not like the blonde has actually gone to his house again (totally not because he was afraid of being rejected), but Naruto hasn't seen the man go in or out of his apartment.

Sweat dripped down the blonde's face as he pulled out another weed, and the boy thought of all of the possibilities. Maybe the brunette is on a mission? Maybe he's sick? Or perhaps he just didn't want to see Naruto again...

Naruto's eyes cast downward at that. It was always that, no one actually stayed, and it was selfish of him to think that Hisato-san would go out of his way just to see Naruto again. Whenever someone was nice, it was usually like that. They either were nice to him, only to betray him and do despicable things to the blonde, or they were briefly nice out of pity, but didn't want to associate with Naruto. The former, surprisingly, happened more often than the latter.

"Stupid stupid stupid," Naruto muttered, violently pulling out several plants that may or may not of been weeds. "That's what I get for trusting someone again."

Unbeknownst to Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were listening in to the blondes' mutterings. Both of them were worried about Naruto (although Sasuke won't admit it) and now they finally had confirmation that it was indeed a person making the blonde feel that way. There was a small victory, but dread took over. Whoever was doing this to Naruto... well, it must be bad.

Sakura made eye contact with Sasuke and managed not to blush. This isn't about her or Sasuke right now, this is about Naruto. Normally, the girl would accuse Naruto of seeking attention, but this, however, was totally different from the attention-seeking Naruto the rosette knows. These past three days, Naruto has been oddly quiet. The girl figured that it would fade back to his normal peppy attitude after a day, but that was not the case. The first day of quiet actually made Naruto seem like he was in a good mood compared to now (though she doesn't know that he was actually in a good mood then).

Sakura shifted her eyes toward the blonde, who was angrily pulling out plants. Each plant was pulled out one at a time, each slowly and yet, in a way, violently. Usually, the boy would be challenging her Sasuke-kun to a 'weeding' challenge, and would frantically pull out any plant in sight, but this is totally different.

Sakura turned her attention back to Sasuke who nodded in return. It was now time for Plan B. The rosette frowned. Naruto may get suspicious when they went through with this plan, but they had to know what was wrong with the boy and how to help him, not only for the blonde's sake, but their team's sake as well.

They finished weeding the absurdly large garden in silence. Both of Naruto's teammates glanced towards the said blonde every once in a while during the final hour of their work. They both hoped that his mood would have a more positive change, alas, it only seemed to get worse. They both visibly cringed as Naruto violently tore out the poor weeds. Yes, this is much worse than they thought.

Finally, they were done and it was time to instigate Plan B. Sakura wrung her hands nervously as she watched the blonde dust of his pants. It's now or never.

"Hey Naruto," Sakura called out, before he could walk away. Naruto turned around, raising a single eyebrow. Sakura gulped. "So uh, Sasuke-kun and I are going out to eat with some former classmates of ours and you're invited... I just remembered to tell you."

Naruto's gaze lingered on Sakura before going to Sasuke. "Both of you agreed to go?" he questioned. At both of their nods, the blonde just let out a sigh. "You know, nothing can surprise me anymore, ya know?"

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