Chapter 18: The Great Jiraiya

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 "Damnit," Naruto cried, punching the tree in front of him. He thought things had changed.

Team 7's training with Gai sensei had come to an end, and Naruto was excited to show off his new moves to Kakashi-sensei. Training had been rough and Gai-sensei was... something else. The blonde, however, had persevered through the difficulty and was actually decently proud of his Taijutsu.

Naruto remembered watching Kakashi walk into the clearing, holding his book up to his face in his usual fashion.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled out, waving both of his arms in a wide motion to get his beloved sensei's attention. "You're finally back."

The silver-haired man didn't say anything, seemingly too engrossed in his book to even acknowledge his most hyperactive student. Naruto let his wide smile fall as the man passed past him and walked towards his other two students. The pinkette was busy holding Sasuke by the collar of his green track suit and was busy beating the living crap out of him.

"Give... me... my... Sasuke-kun... back," she said in between punches. Blood was trickling out of the young ninja's nose and both of his eyes were swollen shut.

"You cannot deny the power of Youth," Sasuke retorted, earning him another firm punch in the face.

Kakashi let out a small sigh. "Sakura, put Sasuke down. Sasuke..." Kakashi put down his book and looked the boy straight in the eyes. "Change."

Sakura let go of Sasuke and the boy fell with a small "oof." Sasuke stood and wiped the blood from his nose with the (too)green sleeve of his jump suit. "Sakura is most definitely filled with the energy of Youth, but she has yet to be enlightened-"



"Not now."

Sakura let out a small huff of air, watching the boy leave the area after being reprimanded. "The audacity that impostor has to imitate my Sasuke-kun."

Kakashi let out a sigh of his own at his students' antics. "No Sakura, that is Sasuke."

"Then what's your explanation for the way he's been acting? He's never acted like this before and it's absolutely ridiculous, utterly ridiculous-"

Kakashi held up a hand, ending the girls' rant. "He's been corrupted. If you want to blame anyone, blame Gai."

This is obviously the beginning of Sakura's villain arc.

Naruto stood alone, not even moving from where he first greeted Kakashi-sensei, only to get ignored. He clenched his fists as he watched the two interact.



Blood began to trickle down his tightly enclosed fists where his fingernails punctured skin. Why didn't Kakashi-sensei acknowledge him? Why is it only the other two? Naruto felt the tears seep into the forefront of his eyes, but he blinked them away. He watched the two walk away; probably to go look for Sasuke.

"Damnit," Naruto cried, punching the tree in front of him. They didn't even think to invite him, they didn't even think to-

Naruto let out a small sigh and slowly released his fists. He was just overreacting, yeah, overreacting. He examined his right hand- the one that he used to punch the tree and watched the puncture wounds heal over, as well as the ruptured skin on his knuckles. It was interesting to watch the small bits of bark fall out of the wound as they closed up, as if the wound itself knew it wasn't supposed to be there. Naruto knew, however, that it wasn't normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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