Chapter 7: Pass or Fail

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So if you're wondering why it takes so long to publish a part, look at the pic above. (*cough cough* and TikTok *cough cough*)

"You are a genius," Kurama stated sarcastically. "Oh, look at me! My name is Hisato and I have some severe PTSD. Heh, that rhymed."

Hisato has been in his mindscape for over 30 minutes getting lectured by Kurama. It wasn't like the man planned on having some sort of flashback, but Kurama wasn't having it.

"Kurama," Hisato started, "please just shut up already. I get it."

And he did. He really did. Hisato messed up, questions were going to be asked, and a trip to Inoichi may be ordered. That was the last thing Hisato wanted. He wanted the timeline to be as intact as possible, but a trip to Inoichi might ruin all of it. This secret... the secret Hisato holds, it must stay with him and Kurama. No one else should know. No one else needs to know what he did. What brought Naruto to the point of suicide.

Hisato looked down at his hands, the scars of hardwood and battle littered them, disappearing under the sleeves of his shirt. They were fading, for only the deepest of cuts could leave a mark as long as they have. Kurama heals them quickly, only leaving light scars that stay there for a year at the longest. Hisato then slipped off his black shirt, making his way to the bathroom in his apartment. He took notice of the tattoo on his arm, a reminder of a promise he made a year after his mentor's death. His eyes then slid to the left side of his chest, a scar made by a lightning jutsu, just missing the heart, and one of the two scars Kurama can't make disappear.

"This ends now!"

Hisato collapsed to the ground, knees pulled up to his chest, head in his hands. A pulsing headache rang through his head. His hands racked through his scalp, pulling out some of his recently dyed, brunette hair.

"Shut up," he murmured. A running girl.

"This is your fault!"

"Shut up," he said a bit louder, pulling himself to his feet, looking at the stranger in the mirror. A heart stopping.

"You're the reason she's dea-"

"I said, SHUT UP!" the man shouted, punching the mirror in front of him. The mirror shattered on impact, the shards scattering across the room. His knuckles were bloody and the cuts were already healing. The brunette pulled the glass shards out of his hands before the wound closed around them.

"Shit," he muttered, stroking back his hair with his right hand. "There is literally an Anbu outside and I have to go and make a scene."

He looked down at the sink, and his whiskerless face reflected back at him from a particularly large piece of glass. Kurama had done something to remove them, and Hisato felt like he was missing a part of himself.

The brunette shook his head, he was Naruto no longer, he couldn't take that from the Naruto of this time. Hisato sighed, looking at the mess he made and began to pick up the glass shards and dispose of them into the small trash can beside the sink. He was almost done when he heard two loud knocks outside his door.

Hisato quickly finished picking up the glass and went to the door. "How nice of you to finally knock Tora-" he said, only to have to look down and see that it in fact not Tora, but Naruto. "Oh, sorry Naruto-kun, I thought it was someone else."

Naruto looked up at the tall man and squinted. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Hisato sweat dropped. "I'm the one who helped you out at the training ground a while back."

"Eh? That was you?" the boy questioned, giving him a one-over. The man in front of him was tall, probably around 6 feet, and was pretty lean, not Kakashi lean, but also not too built. The muscles were obviously seen, after all, the man didn't have a shirt on. There was also a pretty wicked scar on his chest, which made him cool in Naruto's book.

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