Chapter 12: The Day of the Green Beast

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Kakashi let out a small sigh as he shunshined away from his cute, little students- who he has just given the singular mission of weeding a large garden. Hisato still hasn't woken from his sudden seizure in the Hokage's office, and Kakashi was required to go check on him at least twice a day. This would be Kakashi's fourth visit, and honestly he was getting tired of checking on the unresponsive man. The silver-haired man was actually wishing for something to happen.

Kakashi opened Icha Icha Paradise to a random page as he walked towards Konoha's infamous hospital. The Copy Nin began to think about Gai's proposition to trade teams. It wasn't unheard of to trade teams, just highly unusual. Many ninja are prideful and feel the need to prove a point to other Jonin senseis, and that point being that they are the best without their students ever having other forms of tutorship. When teams are traded or even trained together, the sensei's often claim that the teams success came from their tutorship, not their original sensei's.

Kakashi let out a low hum as he turned the page of his favorite book. He highly doubts Gai has poor motives for wanting to trade teams. The masked man can even see that the benefits for both teams are near equal- heck, it almost seemed to benefit Kakashi more than Gai. If that's the case, there must be another reason. Underneath the underneath as he likes to call it.

Gai is probably concerned about him, that is the only reasonable explanation Kakashi can come up with. The man must've thought that Kakashi needed a break from his team, though where Gai had come up with that deduction Kakashi cannot fathom. The silver-haired man is the master of concealment. The best of the best. He is also the master of unravelling the concealed. There were many missions, both official and not so official, that he has done that involved revealing the most secret of secrets. From figuring out the identities of the Jinchuriki of each village to hidden spies in the village, Kakashi has done it. The Copy Nin also knows that the Sandaime plans on pushing the hat onto him upon the old man's retirement after the upcoming Chunin exams.

Kakashi sighed. He has only had his Genin team for about a month, meaning that the Chunin exams aren't for another five months. How is he going to have enough time to be the Hokage and train his team?

The masked man was pulled from his thoughts upon arriving at the hospital. He quickly pocketed his book and walked through the double doors. Kakashi gave a nod to the nurse manning the front desk and made his way to Hisato's hospital room.

Kakashi slowly slid open the door- only to dodge to the left as a kunai flew towards him. The man reentered the door frame and looked into the room. Hisato was sitting up in his bed, his arm still slightly extended from throwing the kunai at Kakashi. The Copy Ninja also took notice of Hisato's slightly disheveled hair and the slightly crazed look in his eye. It appears that Kakashi showed up right after he woke.

"Maa, I didn't realize my presence was that horrible Arata-san," Kakashi stated, leaning against the door frame leading into the room.

Hisato blinked once, then twice before registering what just happened. "Sorry Kakashi... and I thought I told you to call me by my first name," the brunette replied with a bit of humor in his voice.

Hisato took in his surroundings, his mind finally coherent enough to do so. It was quite obvious that he was in a hospital room, and based on his smell (which is not pleasant by any means), he's been here for a couple days.

The brunette began to think back and find the last thing he could remember, but failed to do so. His mind was still in a slight haze and refused to give him any form of recent memories. Hisato looked up at Kakashi who had entered the room and sat in one of the guest chairs. The masked man's posture is slumped as if to appear relaxed, but Hisato knows him better than that. If you looked closely, you could see a slight stiffness in Kakashi's 'relaxed' form. Hisato clenched his fist a bit in frustration. The small amount of trust he gained has been completely flushed away then some. Kakashi, the master of looking underneath the underneath, is about to investigate him. The master of revealing the most concealed of secrets.

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