Chapter 3: Let's Play Cards

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Hisato woke up slowly. Very slowly. His body ached like no other and well, he didn't want to wake up. It's been a while since he's been in a bed. A freaking bed.

"Hope you know that you've been sleeping for 12+ hours," the Kyuubi spoke with a no-nonsense voice.

"I hope you know that I don't plan on getting up," Hisato mimicked. He had no plans on getting up. After all, the Hokage said that once he was in full health that he would take the Jonin exams. The ache that ran through his body is not equivalent to full health.

"And you call me lazy," Kurama pouted, but ultimately went back to sleep as well. He knew that it's been a while since the kit has gotten basically any rest. The resting periods in the war were short. No time to get the average 8 hours.

Hisato laid in silence, glad for the rest. He knew that his body would not go back to sleep, so he opted for staring at the ceiling instead.

"So...Naruto lives?" Hisato heard a voice say through the thin walls.

"Indeed...lives," replied the voice of the old Hokage. Hisato channeled some chakra into his ears to amplify his hearing.

"It looks like this place hasn't been cleaned in weeks," there was the sound of a fridge opening, "and I really hope he didn't drink this."

There was the sound of a fond chuckle. "Yes, but that's just how Naruto is."

Indeed, that's how Hisato was, and never will be again. The brunette knew that he could never go back to that naive again... not if he wanted to survive anyway. Then again, he envies his past selves naiveness. The dumb luck that kept him alive. It's quite enviable.

"Shall we move on to Sasuke's house?" Sarutobi spoke, breaking through Hisato's thoughts.

"Yes, and it seems as if our guest is still sleeping," Kakashi replied.

"I don't blame the man, despite how he tried to hide it, I could tell that he was pretty injured," Hiruzen inquired.

Hisato heard Kakashi let out a sigh. "He was, and some of the scares he had as well... well, you'll just have to read the medical report."

"It seems I will have to," the Hokage replied. Hisato heard the click of the door as it closed and the sound of purposeful footsteps as they left, as if not to alarm anyone if they walked out the door to see two ninjas. It's like an unspoken rule. Ninja always make their presence known when around civilians, unless it involves training. It made the civilians feel safer, thus, making Konoha more peaceful.

Finally having the decency to get up, Hisato decided that the first thing he would do is take a shower. A nice, long, hot one. Carefully, he stripped off his clothes and removed the bandages. Unsure of whether to wear the bandages in the shower or not, he just decided not to. Why waste the bandages?

But, it was a poor choice on his part. The steaming hot water got into his wounds and made them hurt like hell. That is why you waste bandages. To save you some pain.

The long shower was cut short, and Hisato hastily wrapped his wounds, not so kindly asking Kurama to heal them faster. After getting his, 'yeah, sure', Hisato made way into the kitchen. He opened every cabinet to see where everything was placed, then opened the fridge. He grabbed out the milk and poured himself a glass. Afterward, he got out the bread.

"Fire style, Hot Hand Jutsu," Hisato murmured, placing the bread on his hand, letting it heat up before flipping it to the other side.

"The fact that you created that Jutsu just to heat up toast baffles me," Kurama scoffed.

Hisato let out a snort. I made it for more than that ya know? Like heating up the tea kettle, popping popcorn-

"And thus my point is made," Kurama stated, shaking his head. "Besides, you're awfully cheerful for just trying to commit suicide yesterday." With that, the mood went downward.

"Please don't remind me of that," Hisato said out loud, darkly. "Don't you ever remind me of my mistake. For you bringing me here, I will be forever grateful, but please..."

The fox nodded. Not knowing what to say. Despite spending many years within human hosts, he will always forget that they take each and everything they do to heart. Especially the Namikaze. Based on what he has seen with Minato, that boy took every mistake he made and kept it with him. Never getting over it 'till Kushina beat the living daylights out of him.

Now... Naru- no, Hisato doesn't have another human here he can talk to. Kurama is well aware that he can't fill that human void, and he was perfectly fine with that, however, Hisato most likely isn't. Despite his strength, Kurama worries that one of these days, he will break. Each and every mistake weighing down on him till he can hold it no longer. And when that time comes, Kurama isn't sure if he could do anything.

Hisato went back to his toast, buttering the top before putting some jam on it. He sat down at the small table and noticed that there was a newspaper sitting there. The brunette picked it up and began to read. It was all politics at first, about the alliance with the Sand village, and the growing trust between them. Utter bullshit. The rest of it talked about the Konoha civilian businesses.

Hisato sighed. He wished that he paid more attention to these kinds of things when he was a kid. The brunette had to admit that he was quite dense when he was this age, and only thought about others and his own goals, politics never really crossed his mind at that age. The closest he got was thinking about all the laws he would change as Hokage. Good times.

Soon, Hisato felt a wave of boredom, something that he became unfamiliar within the war. During the 4th Great Ninja War, there was literally always something to do. The feeling of having nothing, it bothered Hisato. Nothing huge has happened yet. Mizuki's betrayal is tonight, but that's a while away, there's no need to interfere with that. Naruto will handle it just fine.

Hisato's eyes wandered to the window, taking sight of his Anbu watcher. His poor, poor Anbu 'guard'. Hisato stood up and walked towards the window and opened it.

"Anbu-san, you'll find that it's easier to watch me from the inside," Hisato stated, just wanting someone to hang out with.

"Sorry Arata-san, but I must be wary of you at all times," the Anbu replied, stretching out his back a bit. Hisato smirked. He could tell by the Anbus' lax composure that the poor soul was a newb, or at least a tad bit gullible.

"Maa, that's too bad, cause I won't be leaving the house today unless I'm called upon," Hisato said with a knowing smile. "I was just trying to be considerate of you Anbu-san, I'm sure that you don't want to stand in that position all day..."

The Anbus' posture stiffened a bit. "All day you say?.."

Hisato nodded. "All day."

The Anbu looked around at his surroundings as if he were looking for any other watchful eyes. Seeing his posture relax a bit, Hisato had an inner victory dance.

"I suppose that it would be... smarter to watch within the apartment. After all, you could move out of my line of sight and do who knows what..." the Anbu drawled.

As the Anbu came through the window, Hisato got a feel for his age. Male, around 24 years old (the same age as Hisato), and built a bit sturdily. There was also something familiar about the man that Hisato couldn't put his finger on.

"Wouldn't suppose you had some cards on you?" Hisato asked jokingly.

The Anbu nodded, and Hisato was sure that he was smiling underneath the mask. "I always do."

{September 7, 2019}

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