Chapter 13: A Whisper of Prophecy

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Upon mount Myoboku, all was silent. A whisper of a wind echoed through the chambers of the Great Toad Sage who sat silently in his chair. One might think that the old toad was dead, but the steady breaths that entered and exited his mouth proved otherwise. There was a slight rasp in his breath, either a result of injury or age. His body, wrinkled with time, did not move other than the slight rise and fall of his chest.

The Great Toad Sage was still, but his mind was not. Visions of a future that he has seen before but yet, never has ran through his mind. A loud gasp echoed throughout his chambers as the toads' eyes shot open.

"The second part of the prophecy has been revealed at last," the toad gasped, gripping his staff. "A second chance given..."

Two toads hopped with haste into the Toad Sages chambers, hearing the noises he had made in his waking.

"Gamamaru-sama, we heard you wake," Shima, who is often referred to as 'Ma', stated with worry. "Is all well?"

Gamamaru shifted in his seat, still disturbed by his visions of the future. "Shima, Fukasaku, send for Jiraiya. Tell him that the second half of the prophecy has finally been revealed."


Sasuke and Sakura watched the unconscious boys' chest rise and fall as he breathed slowly. The two have been at his house for around 30 minutes, both deciding to watch over Naruto after snooping through his house.

Sakura was surprised by what she found as she investigated the blonde's home. The fridge was practically barren, only holding a few bruised apples and leftover ramen. The cabinets held little food as well. Sakura expected them to be filled completely with ramen- leaving no room for other food, but she was only half right. Yes, the cabinet's only content was ramen, however, there were only three things of cup ramen. The cooking supplies were meager as well, but Sakura did manage to find a kettle to boil some water to make some tea (the rosette was especially surprised to find tea).

The kettle appeared to be old, but well maintained. The girl had decided to wash it, but grew frustrated by the lack of heat that came out of the kitchen faucet. Sakura took a sip of her tea as she continued to watch Naruto's chest rise and fall. She couldn't fathom how Naruto could take showers in that cold water. Perhaps that was one of the uses of the tea kettle.

The girl glanced at Sasuke, who sat silently while occasionally taking a sip of his tea. She remembered the frustrated look on his face as he went through Naruto's medical supplies. Every ninja got a mandatory medical pack from the hospital every three months. Even Team 7, just a new Genin, got medical packs. Sakura, of course, has already gone through hers and she knew for a fact that every ninja (other than Jonin and Anbu) got the exact same medical pack she did. Naruto, however, didn't even have a third of what she did, and based on Sasuke's face, the same extended on his end.

Sakura bit her lip. If only she knew some Medical Ninjutsu. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. Thanks to the basic training given at the academy, she could tell that Naruto has several broken ribs. If they were lucky, that would be the extent of it.

The two not-unconscious occupants jumped when there was a knock on the door. Sasuke slowly took out a kunai and crept to the door. The knocking sounded again, the sound practically echoing throughout the room. Sakura quietly pulled out her own kunai and positioned herself in front of Naruto.

"Who is it?" Sasuke questioned, placing the kunai behind his back and out of sight. With his left hand, he reached out and grabbed the handle, ready to pull it open or hold it closed.

"Most youthful Genin," a shout resounded. "I have been running through houses in search of Naruto's most esteemed address for I have already searched his two teammates' homes." There was a slight pause. "May I come in young Genin?"

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