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A few days had passed and Felix managed to not get in trouble, so it was quite a surprise when the teacher asked him to meet her after classes.

"Felix, can you come here after classes? I need to talk to you,"

"Oh... of course..." The freckled boy really didn't know what the teacher was gonna talk to him, but he hoped it wasn't something too serious.

"Felix! Felix!" He heard Hyunjin whisper-scream from the opposite part of the class, so he turned to look at him. "What the fuck did you do now?"

Felix muttered a 'I don't know' before moving his attention to the teacher who already started to talk to the class.

At lunch time, Felix and Hyunjin went to the canteen.

After getting their food, both of them made their way to the table where they and their friends usually sit.

Suddenly Felix noticed Minho pass near them and the older boy noticed him too because he obviously smiled at him.

"What was that?" asks Hyunjin.

"What was what?" Felix replies, confused.

"Lee Minho smiled at you,"

"Oh really?"

"How'd you know him?"

"I mean, everyone at school knows who he is,"

"Not like that dumbass," the two arrived at the table and sat down, "Are you friends?"

"Oh- no, we just met at detention,"

"Then why would the LEE MINHO smile at you?!"

"Because I'm cute and sexy,"

"I have no idea what you two are saying but i agree,"Jeongin, who was already sitting at the table and already started eating, interrupted, "Felix is a sexy cutie,"

"SEE! Why wouldn't the LEE MINHO smile at me when I look like this?!"

"Hyunjinie! Hyunjinie!" Suddenly the group of friends heard someone shouting; they noticed Jisung, who was holding Seungmin's hand - or better: who was dragging him by the hand - running toward the table.

"Hyunjinie! Can you tell Seungmin that I'm right?!"

"Wha... right about what?"

"He asked me 'If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest of them all?' and I replied with 'cats' and he dared to contradict me! Tell him I'm right!"

Hyunjin just sighed, "Why do you need me to decide what animal is the rudest?"

"Because he said cats. Kitties are not rude!! They are adorable and fluffy! Snakes would be the meanest animal!"

Felix passed lunch-break watching Jisung and Seungmin argue on which would be the rudest to then attend his last class for the day.

After school finished, he went toward his literature teacher's class; he knocked at the door and heard a voice telling him to enter.

He saw that, with the teacher, there was another guy, that he didn't recognise at first, but noticed it was Lee Minho again after he turned.

"Hi Felix, come here please," said Mrs. Lim.

Felix got closer to the desk and stood right next to Minho, "Good evening," he said trying to be polite in case he did something bad again.

"So... Felix, I've talked with some of your teachers and we agree that you aren't doing that well at school," yeah, that's something that Felix already knows, but why is Lee Minho here? "we decided that you need some help, so I asked Minho, he's a great student; instead, Minho, I want you to start to behave more, stop getting in trouble so much,"

"yeah, sure," said the older boy with a tone of mochery, like he didn't really care about what the teacher was saying.

"Now, if you haven't already, exchange phone numbers, then decide when to meet to study. You can go now,"

From all the people that could help Felix with school, Mrs. Lim decided to ask Lee Minho?! She could have asked Hyunjin or Seungmin, they are pretty good at school, or literally anyone, but why did she ask the asshole of the school?

Felix has actually never talked to Minho, except for that time at detention, so he only knew he was a jerk from what people talked about him; Minho was also older than Felix - he was almost 18 years old - and he got in a couple of physical fights at school, and that scared the australian.

"Hey, pretty boy, give me your phone so i can write my number," Felix did as Minho said and the elder gave him his phone to do the same.

It actually bothered the freckled boy to be called pretty boy randomly like this, but at the same time he liked it...? But even though he had mixed feelings about the nickname, Felix decided to just shut up, being too scared of him to say anything.

The two, after, exited the school and both went toward the bus station; they didn't talk though, they both stayed in silence, and when the bus arrived, Minho went to sit all the way at the back of it, leaving Felix all alone.

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