Trial 2

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That first hit with the throwing knife hadn't been his last. When you caught up to him you saw another knife flying into Meg's back and heard the excited giggle he made before unleashing a flurry of neon knives into your friend. You winced as she stumbled forward, clearly limping as she attempted to run.

You knew you should help her, maybe lead the killer away, but you just watched in the bushes. You heard the sound of a generator being completed in the distance but that didn't stop the killer. He caught up with ease and slashed at Meg's back knocking her down. Biting your lip your eyes were fixed on his chest of all things as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. He was tall with broad shoulders that carried her with ease, giggling the whole way to the hook.

The sound of the hook piercing her skin and bone and protruding through her shoulder had you wincing. You rubbed your own left shoulder knowing just how that felt. And it was the fear of you being next that had you shrinking in the shadows even more. He really didn't notice you as he passed right by your bush, swinging his pat as he looked for another victim.

You rushed over and helped Meg off the hook, using your med-kit to heal her up a little bit. You both parted ways, her heading back to the generator but you went in the direction of the killer.

You couldn't help it, you wanted to see more.

You watched as the last of your group got hooked. In fact most of this round that was all you had done. Truthfully you were quite disgusted with yourself. Why were you watching him?! Why were you distracting yourself with his glamor and gaudy appearance?

Why did your heart race differently as you heard the heartbeat in your ear? Frustrated you had two options. The last generator or the hatch. He would most likely guard the generators or doors so you rushed off listening to that familiar sound. You were often last alive in matches like this but this was the first time you felt so guilty. Running around the forest and around shrubbery you looked for it, covering about half the map before you heard the heartbeat. You ran and ran, listening for it over the pounding of your own heart as well as the sound in your head.

You weren't sure which was louder.

And then you heard it, your sweet escape. The black tendrils calling to you. You ran forward just as the bright yellow of his coat came into view. He stood on the other side of the hatch staring right at you. You stopped in your tracks as you locked eyes with him. Piercing yellow eyes that had you weak in the knees.

That fucking giggle- followed by a wink- had your face turning a bright shade of red. 

He moved forward and you sprung into action, diving into the hatch but not without getting a knife lodged into your calf. It was the first and only time he had hit you at all this trial.

Coming to back at the campfire you rubbed your calf absent-mindedly. One thing was painfully obvious- you were attracted to that killer. What was his name? Ji-woon Hak.

And probably the most dangerous kind of attraction. Sexual attraction.
Never before had you thought someone wearing blood would be attractive. That would get you weak in the knees and your core hot and throbbing. 

Looking around Dwight was bombarding Yun-jin with questions about the killer. His secrets and kill style. You were curious too so you made your way closer.

Yun-Jin explained how she had recruited him to be a part of an idol group. She talked about the fire that killed his band mates. She talked about the mass murders that went on internationally on his tour dates. That she had ignored all the signs, even when she heard the dying cries of one of his victims in one of his songs.
She explained in detail the killing spree he went on just before being pulled into the fog. How he had enjoyed every second of it and preformed like he was putting on a concert. That showed he was one of the worst killers- he enjoyed it far too much. Here he could run rampant, no laws or people to stop him from killing. Everyone was terrified.

Everyone but you.

You weren't sure how many of the others enjoyed the killing, but from Benedict's journals not all of them did. Some had been twisted to play the Entity's game. Sanity was something hard to keep hold of here.

"I'm going to sleep-" You mumbled after she was all done with her tale, the others dispersing.

You had made it halfway to your tent before Meg came up to you. "Hey Mouse... why did you follow him?"

At first you wondered how she knew you had been watching him the whole trial, but then remembered she had saw you go after him after you had healed her. You put on a smile and patted  her shoulder. "He's a new killer, we have to learn all we can. I'm in the best position to do so. But right now I'm really burnt out... All the excitement you know?"

She slowly nodded, taking your words for truth. And they were truth, but at the same time not really. The part you left out was that you had just felt so compelled to follow him, to keep your eyes on him. You hadn't wanted to tear your eyes off him for a single moment.

Once she left you be you crawled into your tent which so happened to be the furthest from the fire. Sometimes you could hear one of the killers creeping around the forest behind your tent. Despite their nature this place had you feeling safe. It had been odd how normally things would appear here from time to time and make things feel natural. You weren't hungry often but sometimes food would appear like a treat. Clothes and supplies and bedding. Sleep was what most of you did in your free time. Trials often left you drained both emotionally and physically. 

The campgrounds were your place to recharge, almost like the entity wanted you to be on your best for the trials. It probably got the most out of your emotions and soul then. You had survived this trial but truthfully you felt more drained than ever before. Although laying down you were also too restless to sleep.

At first at least. You didn't realize you had fallen asleep until a familiar chuckle had you sitting up quickly. You looked around as if a knife would come for your throat at any second but it was just your small little tent. You listened closely, hearing very little sounds outside. Were the others in a trial maybe? Some had multiple trials a day while some went days without a trial so it was likely they were. 

Which meant the Entity probably had it's attention on the trial.

You heard the snapping of leaves just behind your tent and you quickly looked. Knowing you couldn't get hurt you stuck your head out the back entrance without a second thought- only to come face first with bloody Magenta trousers with contrasting yellow stripes.

"What is this?"

That smooth, deep voice was almost too excited and all too familiar. You swallowed the lump in your throat and slowly tilted your head back; eyes running up his exposed torso and up to meet that bone-chilling gaze of his. You don't think you had seen anyone look at you with so much- excitement.

"It won't like that you are so close you know. Killers can't come into camp." Slowly you leaned back on your heels and stared up at him.

"But I'm not." A blade was thrown down between the two of you causing your heart to leap out of your chest. "This is the line no?" You were fixated on the bright colored knife that was perfectly on the edge of the tendril line you never noticed before. How is it you never noticed it? Maybe because no other killer dared come past the treeline yet he was a good 6 or 7 feet from it. 

Nodding slowly you looked back up at him unblinking. "Did you want something from me?" Your heart nearly pounded out of your chest as he nodded and bent down to eye level. The way he swung his spiked bat over his shoulder was a reminder of what Yun-jin had said about him: that he enjoyed killing.

You didn't seem afraid at all. "The other things in the woods won't talk to me. Tell me- what is this place." He sat down then, crossing one leg under another.  He almost seemed just like any other victim then, but much more at ease.

You were just flabbergasted that a killer was asking you about this place. Didn't they just know? 

"I- this is a first." Blinking you found yourself smiling a bit. "I'll tell you." You were all too eager to do so.

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